
Speedpainting – Focus

  • Posted on 22nd January 2013,
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Speedpainting – Focus

Another speedpainting, 30 minutes this time. I’m in the process of a bigger painting right now, but i wanted to actually finish something. In the wide world of bizarre coincidences: I painted this yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon i started thinking it would be a great idea to get back into ‘finishing’ an quick study every…

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  • Posted on 16th January 2013,
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Just a generic zombie. She’s still got a bit of fight left in her. By coincidence i ended up drawing this right after reading an article about the animals killed while producing vegetarian food. I’d already planned on sketching up a zombie for general drawing-the-undead practice, but there’s a very different thought pattern in drawing…

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  • Posted on 14th January 2013,
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Mira the earth-spirit, rather unhappy at the wilting of one of her little plants. This could probably count as a speedpainting, depending on how broadly one defines ‘speedpainting’. I’ve never really tried it before but i got this painting to the point where the pencil art was unnecessary in under three hours, so if it’s…

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  • Posted on 10th January 2013,
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On the plus side, now this lost little fae knows he’s not the only one to have taken a wrong turn. He doesn’t seem pleased about the revelation, though. I tried a new method of laying in the colour this time. I like how it looks, but no more than my other pieces, so it…

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  • Posted on 8th January 2013,
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Started off as something entirely different, but the way i drew her hips made me think of someone partially submerged in water. Considering my current fire-spirit fascination, there was a quick turn toward a fire-spirit fleeing a water-demon. Original pencil art available for $15 | Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 6th January 2013,
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When i was very young (and very shy), i kept my hair long and would frequently let it fall over my face so i could hide behind it. Unfortunately, fire-spirits can’t use the same trick. They are destined to always shine brightly, no matter how shy they may be. Original pencil art available for $15…

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  • Posted on 4th January 2013,
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Pencil, 9″x12″ A vampire’s victim emerging from the shadows. Not quite turned to a full vampire herself yet, but she doesn’t like the sun any more. By chance, two days ago i passed up on buying some black paper because i don’t draw light-on-dark often enough to justify it. Haven’t in years. But today i…

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  • Posted on 1st January 2013,
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Started off as a long-haired Plamya, but ended up changing more than just the hairstyle. My last image of 2012, and one of my favourites. I mostly used it as an excuse to do colour experiments and discovered some tricks i’ll definitely be using more regularly. Original pencil art available for $15 | Print available…

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Мира и Друг

  • Posted on 26th December 2012,
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Мира и Друг

Another portrait of Mira, this time with a little friend attached. I’ve maybe run out of patience with black-and-white illustrations and gone back to painting. I like the look of inked work, but when it comes to what i’m creating i’d rather have colour. Original pencil art available for $15 | Print available starting at…

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Plamya II

  • Posted on 16th December 2012,
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Plamya II

Another portrait of Plamya. I experimented with hatching instead of screentones for this one – or, rather, in conjunction with screentones, as most of the hatching is set at 50% tone instead of being solid black lines. Which is completely invisible in an internet-low-res image, but would be visible in prints. I’m still undecided on…

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Мира и Цветок

  • Posted on 12th December 2012,
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Мира и Цветок

The title translates to ‘Mira and the Flower’. Unless you use a proper translator, in which case it will likely come out ‘Peace and the Flower’. As ludicrous as it is for some US-born US-living primarily-English-speaking artist to title works in Russian, i got their names from Russian and it strikes me as equally ludicrous…

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  • Posted on 10th December 2012,
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Water spirit, to go along with the Mira the Earth-Spirit and Plamya the Fire-Spirit. I’m not certain how anatomically correct she is, as none of the models in my photo references have a body fat percentage over 25. (Clearly i need to expand my reference library.) And i’m skinny enough to still get clothing from…

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Mira II

  • Posted on 8th December 2012,
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Mira II

An alternative version of Mira. I think i like the original better, she looks more like a unique person instead of yet another stock model. Despite the ‘II’ in the image name, this is just the second ‘finished’ illo i’ve done of Mira. As far as less-finished illos, there’s been maybe a dozen. She’s supposed…

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  • Posted on 7th December 2012,
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Practising inking my pencil drawings. Yet another fire-creature, this one a bit more elfin than the others. Original pencil art available for $15 | Digital print available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 11th November 2012,
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yet another nymph drawing. Still going through a bit of a shy phase, but she’ll eventually grow into quite a beauty. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 7th November 2012,
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Brighid is one of the more famous Celtic goddesses. Or, rather, three of the more famous goddesses, as Brighid is a triple goddess. Rumour has it the Catholic saint Brigid is a Christianised version of this goddess. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Decisions – Pencil

  • Posted on 5th November 2012,
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Decisions – Pencil

The challenge of choosing the right path… I’m still trying to decide if she counts as a ‘faerie’ or not. She wasn’t originally meant to be and the pattern behind her is even at its most wing-like a very abstract representation. Pencil, 8.4″x11″. Planning on adding some colour in PS as well but this is…

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  • Posted on 3rd November 2012,
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Tree nymphs are a bit more popular, but why let them have all the fun? Water nymphs enjoy the woods as much as any other. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 29th October 2012,
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In theory this is just a generic dancer figure drawing. But i think she’s up to something… Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 27th October 2012,
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Mossy nymph or moss-covered stone? This particular figure drawing is a bit ambiguous in that area. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Waxing Moon

  • Posted on 25th October 2012,
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Waxing Moon

Originally meant to be a moon-goddess, but i didn’t do much with her beyond a side-lit figure drawing. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 21st October 2012,
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Figure drawing meets climbing vine, with a bit of piercing study thrown in. I’ve seen snakes, cats, and dragons turned into two-part earrings like this – i won’t be much surprised if i see someone’s done it with plants, too. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Striped Snake

  • Posted on 19th October 2012,
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Striped Snake

Anthropomorphic figure drawing based on the little garter snake. Random anecdote: I once volunteered at an animal shelter which had, among other animals, a snake. The information sheet on the snake’s aquarium listed them as a stray. I still have no idea what sort of person finds a ‘stray’ snake and brings it to the…

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Wasp Queen

  • Posted on 17th October 2012,
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Wasp Queen

The leader of the hive and her little friend. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 16th October 2012,
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Sea creatures need love, too. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 15th October 2012,
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Not as much of a firestarter as Flame, but Smoulder still needs to be handled with care. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Sea Elf

  • Posted on 13th October 2012,
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Sea Elf

I suppose she could qualify as a mermaid, but standard mermaids are so rarely drawn with anything interesting about the ears. The defining feature is the not-shown-here tail. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 9th October 2012,
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Yet another half-formed werewolf. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 8th October 2012,
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Drawing a series of human + nature images… something vaguely were-wolfish had to happen eventually. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Flame II

  • Posted on 7th October 2012,
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Flame II

The male version of the original ‘Flame’. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 6th October 2012,
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Taking fire-dancing to a whole new level. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Prints available starting at $13.29

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  • Posted on 5th October 2012,
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It is irritatingly difficult to make someone appear to be the living embodiment of rain and not just someone caught in a storm, and I’m still not sure I succeeded in this one. I suppose she could be a nature-lover dancing in the rain for celebratory purposes. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15.00

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Wind Dancer

  • Posted on 29th August 2012,
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Wind Dancer

There had always been loose clothes to flow around her body and jangling bracelets to ring on her arms, but with the magic bottle, she could finally dance with air itself. Prints also available through Imagekind

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Maid in the Moon (NSFW)

  • Posted on 28th August 2012,
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Maid in the Moon (NSFW)

Probably should have made her older, considering this is clearly a waning moon. Suppose we can just pretend she’s from the Southern hemisphere… Prints available through Imagekind

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Autumn Nymph

  • Posted on 27th August 2012,
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Autumn Nymph

Most of the leaves have fallen, but she’s found a new friend for the winter. Prints available through Imagekind. Might sell the original pencil drawing someday, too.

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Sketch: Dragon Lady

  • Posted on 5th July 2010,
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This one actually started out as an angel. Fun thing about random sketches is they don’t have to end up as they started. At all.

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Sketch: Plain Meets the River

  • Posted on 15th June 2010,
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Plain Cambot in, what, a waterfall? Fountain? Didn’t particularly think this one through, setting-wise. Story-wise the Plain has somehow been introduced to a water sprite of some sort and they are about to go on some grand adventure together.

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Sketch: Not Dead Yet

  • Posted on 14th June 2010,
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Wow. I really slacked off on the whole updating-every-day thing for a bit there. Oops. No real excuse, just been busy. And lazy whenever not busy. And back now. *waves*

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Sketch: Orion Slave Girl

  • Posted on 24th April 2010,
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Playing around with coloured pencils, which i haven’t used in ages but which used to be my absolute favourite medium. LOVE. Why did i ever stop using these? Oh, yeah. Monochromatic pen-and-ink phase followed by the discovery of Photoshop.

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Sketch: Contour + Gesture II

  • Posted on 1st April 2010,
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blaugh contour. It occurred to me right in the middle of doing this i’ve been forgetting to update the sketchvlog lately. Oh, but i’m still exporting my Brushes files as movies as well as the final sketches. So i’ve got a backlog of 50+ vlog movies. Ha. I don’t think any of the hideous contour…

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Sketch: Contour Drawing III

  • Posted on 30th March 2010,
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Almost no cheating at all on this one… sort of… Traditional contour drawing allows the artist to look back down if e has to lift the pencil up, in order to find where to put it back down. So whenever i did that i zoomed my screen in so the next line would fill the…

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Sketch: Contour Drawing I

  • Posted on 28th March 2010,
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I kind of hate contour drawings. Like, ‘almost threw my iPod across the room in frustration’ kind of hate. But, if i am to ever properly get the hang of drawing on a tiny touchscreen, i need to be able to do even the stuff i hate. Gaaaah. (for those who have never been unfortunate…

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Sketch: Pinup Girl III

  • Posted on 21st March 2010,
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Not sure this one actually counts as a pinup girl; she looks more like an avenging angel ready to pounce on some unsuspecting blasphemer to me.

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Sketch: Falling

  • Posted on 19th March 2010,
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Original pose looked more like he was throwing something… but he’s very into the throw, falling is almost inevitable.

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Sketch: Plain Rust

  • Posted on 9th March 2010,
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This one was supposed to end up a reddish-violet Plain, but i didn’t get around to finishing him… so he’s more of an old rusted-up Plain.

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Sketch: Dancers

  • Posted on 1st March 2010,
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Some dancers from my night at the Banshee. The woman had been teaching a little line-dancing class at the pub before the band started playing. The man was more fun to watch; not quite as good a dancer, but he was so damn happy. He reminded me of a bit in Twilight Watch, where the…

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Sketch: Drummer

  • Posted on 28th February 2010,
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Somehow very not properly in the habit of updating daily. Bah! This sketch is over a week old – i went to the Banshee to celebrate my birthday and did some sketches of the band and dancers while i was there.

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  • Posted on 11th February 2010,
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For the Illustration Friday theme, Muddy – a quick illustration of Zack, one of the characters for a webcomic idea i’m working on. No story behind this, Zack just seems the most likely character to end up getting knocked in a mud puddle 😛 Of course he’s also more likely to smack whoever knocks him…

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  • Posted on 3rd February 2010,
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For the Illustration Friday theme, Focus. I’ve been wanting to do some stuff for the webcomic idea i’ve had bouncing around… Which this, technically, isn’t; it’s in a similar style to what i’ll probably end up doing the comic in, but i only have one female character thus far and she doesn’t dress like this…

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Sketch: Moss Girl

  • Posted on 2nd February 2010,
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Little moss-covered statue/goddess/fae… i didn’t particularly think it through. February 2nd is the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS THAT MEANS IT IS ALMOST TIME FOR IT TO START GETTING WARM OUT ZOMG YAYZ. *likes winter. also likes temperatures above three degrees once in a while*

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Sketch: Mutaciintino II

  • Posted on 25th January 2010,
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Another fashion model from the mutant town of Mutaciinta. This one has rather small, underdeveloped legs, but they’re strong enough for the runway.

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Sketch: Blue Girl II

  • Posted on 24th January 2010,
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Semi-monochromatic; there’s a bit of green but as it’s a mostly bluish-green i don’t suppose it really counts as polychromatic.

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Sketchvlog: Blue Girl

  • Posted on 13th January 2010,
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[original YouTube link] From my Plain Duonaj sketch. Somehow occurred to me halfway through this i’ve been doing almost exclusively blue sketches lately. Dont think it counts as polychromatic if theres only one colour.

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Sketch: Plain Duonaj

  • Posted on 9th January 2010,
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See? Arms! Somehow occurred to me halfway through this i’ve been doing almost exclusively blue sketches lately. Don’t think it counts as polychromatic if there’s only one colour. Also only somehow just occurred to me using very transparent brushes is almost like having pressure-sensitive brushes, in that i can go over an area multiple times…

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  • Posted on 7th January 2010,
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Been kind of slacking in the art department lately – working on bits and pieces of various stuff has been no problem, but actually finishing anything… yeah. I haven’t done anything traditional in a while, either. Forgot how much i love pen drawings. So, for the Illustration Friday theme of ‘Renewal’ – a young woman…

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Sketch: Plain Looking

  • Posted on 25th December 2009,
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Um… looking for Santa. Right. …Not much in the way of a Christmas-themed sketch, no. But the Christmas tree gift tag is still up, if y’all still need to do some wrapping.

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Sketch: Mutant Limbless Hunchback

  • Posted on 17th December 2009,
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Correctly drawing a person and not getting around to the arms and legs isn’t so difficult… but doing the same thing using a random pose generator… i end up with mutants :/

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Sketch: Torso VI

  • Posted on 16th December 2009,
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Hey, one i’m pretty satisfied with. Now i can start practising adding heads. Expect a whole pile of Plain cambots 😛

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Sketch: Torso V

  • Posted on 15th December 2009,
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Hey, a dude! Er, supposed to be. Without the rest of his body the pecs look like full-on boobs. He’s twisted around a bit here. Also played around a little (very little) with different brush styles. They seem to be the Big New Thing all the art apps are focusing on lately. It’s nice to…

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Sketch: Torso III

  • Posted on 12th December 2009,
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Yeah. Still at it. I think i got the proportions okay on this one… but didn’t really take time to render it well.

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Sketch: Torso I

  • Posted on 6th December 2009,
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Probably going to do a whole bunch of these, i need to work on my proportions. Like the hips of this chick… way too small in proportion to the rest of her.

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Sketch: Plain Bronze

  • Posted on 29th November 2009,
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Bronze model. Popular amongst those who prefer a steampunk or earthy décor but can’t afford an entirely custom chassis.

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Sketch + Sketchvlog: Plain Blue

  • Posted on 28th November 2009,
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Been a while since i did one of these… And! Because i am actually doing the vlog for this one on the same day as the regular blog post, i’m going to be lazy and just put them both in one post: Plain Blue

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Sketchvlog: Test Post

  • Posted on 15th November 2009,
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Sketchvlog: Vampire Used the Brushes app on my iPod Touch, as it’s really the only software i have on anything which automatically creates the video as i go along. The alternative is to use screen capture software on my Mac, which a) requires me to always remember to open the second bit of software when…

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L is for Little: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 9th November 2009,
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A little faerie-girl, with her big bad demon shadow backing her up in case of temper-tantrums… Originally i was going to make the little girl really little, more like toddler-aged; but the whole small-child-as-a-demon thing seems a bit overdone. Yeah, even by me. I like doing child-demons. But not for this one. Temperamental pre-teen was…

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J is for Joint: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 29th October 2009,
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A half-breed fae of two different races. Originally, she was meant to be an amputee with a steampunk-style wing replacing the amputated one, but i liked the idea of a half-breed child flaunting her mixed heritage better… plus it seemed like a prosthetic wing would be more likely to be designed to imitate the original…

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Speedpainting: Demon Clown

  • Posted on 5th October 2009,
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Not sure this even counts as a real ‘speedpainting,’ i just wanted an excuse to paint balloons and did a wee cartoon of the little demon to fill it in a bit more.

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S is for Strong: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 15th September 2009,
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A faerie facing down a particular type of Celtic ogre, the Buggane. The buggane typically don’t wander far from home, and (most of) their dealings with the Fae involve faeries sending them out to punish humans who have ticked off the Fae. This little sprite must have done something awfully horrible, then… but at least…

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Sketch: Transformation

  • Posted on 10th September 2009,
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Being able to fly: cool. Having the bones, flesh, and muscle making up wings suddenly rip themselves out of your back: not so much.

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A is for Anthropomorphism: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 10th September 2009,
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Based on the legend of the Selkies, seal-like creatures who could shed their skins to become beautiful humans. Selkie legends claim if a Selkie’s skin is stolen, she loses any ability to return to her seal form or the sea from which she came. Typically, the legends only describe instances in which a fisherman steals…

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B is for Bean Sí: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 8th September 2009,
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Zomg two pages together! Um, the final book won’t actually have any two images together like this, because there’ll be descriptions and legends and maybe even some outright faerie-tales mixed in – which is good, because compositionally speaking, these don’t look so great together. But i wanted to see what the book would look like…

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Sketch: Mutaciintino

  • Posted on 6th September 2009,
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From now on whenever i screw up proportions unintentionally, i’m just going to say the resulting freak is from the small country of Mutaciinta, which was put under a spell by a well-meaning sorcxistino. The plan was nobody in Mutaciinta would ever become ill again; the result is everyone’s DNA is tweaked to make them…

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Sketch: Access Granted

  • Posted on 3rd September 2009,
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Inputting the code to gain access to a top-secret facility. Now, whether or not she obtained said code legally… that’s still a bit undetermined.

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Sketch: Dancers

  • Posted on 1st September 2009,
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Androids like to have fun, too; it’s part of their sentience programming. Here, a Baletistino and one of her friends at a nightclub. No accounting for style here.

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Sketch: Above

  • Posted on 31st August 2009,
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Eh, composition of this one is a bit dodgy, but that’s why it’s just a sketch. Couple of androids just doing their thing in whatever part of town androids like to hang out in. One of them seems to have caught on to the idea they’re being watched…

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Sketch: Floating

  • Posted on 29th August 2009,
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A damaged Baletistino chassis from a travelling spaceshow. Her hard drive was worth keeping, but the chassis itself was chucked out the airlock.

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Speedtoning: Baletistino

  • Posted on 28th August 2009,
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Quickie of an android ballerina, waiting for the show to start up. The Baletistino model uses a patent-pending joint structure with a lightweight frame to make it the most flexible android model there is. However, they’re somewhat more fragile* than other droids; the joints are quite likely to become permanently warped with overuse and the…

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Speedtoning: Catboy

  • Posted on 27th August 2009,
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Yes, another catboy. Speedpainting still doesn’t seem quite the right word for stuff done in Manga Studio. “Speedtoning” is kind of a crap word, too, but it fits a wee bit better. Pbth.

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C is for Caution: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 27th August 2009,
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Roughly based on the scene in “Macbeth” in which the witches bring forth three apparitions to prophecy to him, including a head which warns him to beware Macduff. I’m not a big fan of Shakespeare – “Macbeth” is one of his few plays which i consider at least tolerable. I don’t find the overall plot…

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Speedpainting: Kitty Toy

  • Posted on 23rd August 2009,
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I’m not sure this actually counts as a proper “speedpainting” – it was done in about half an hour, but using Manga Studio, which is more “laying down blocks of tone” than “painting.”

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Sketch: Snake Dancer

  • Posted on 21st August 2009,
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Pretty sure i’ve done this sort of drawing before, but it’s not as common as the ridiculously many cat-people or robot amputees. yet.

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Sketch: Insect Yoga

  • Posted on 16th August 2009,
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Actually, calling this “yoga” is probably giving the level of flexibility (or lack thereof) required for the pose a little too much credit.

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Speedpainting: Bean-Nathair

  • Posted on 15th August 2009,
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A little speedpainting i did last week, as a study for the bean-nathair in P is for Patience. And then i ended up making the final bean-nathair look entirely different anyway. Ah well.

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P is for Patient: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 13th August 2009,
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Another new page for the Depressing Faerie Letters. It was originally meant to be based on the Illustration Friday theme again (this week: Impatience), but i’m already pretty happy with I is for Idle and ended up doing opposites instead – the impatient little fae, whose tiny wings haven’t yet developed enough for her to…

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M is for Modify: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 6th August 2009,
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I kind of babble in this post. Read the whole thing if you want to know the backstory of the fae. Or skip ahead to me squeeing over skateboards. New page for my Faerie Alphabet Book, inspired by the Illustration Friday theme, Modify. There’s a documentary show called Taboo, which i haven’t seen in years…

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I is for Idle: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 31st July 2009,
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New page for my Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book, inspired by the Illustration Friday theme, “Idle”. (Dead counts as being idle, right?) I used Manga Studio instead of Photoshop for this one, and really loved it. I’ll probably be using it to do the rest of the DFAB illustrations (and redoing the shoddy screentones in the…

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Sketch: Robo-Girl

  • Posted on 23rd July 2009,
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I probably have a few almost identical sketches like this, but it’s been a while since i did one, so… another robot chick.

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Sketch: On Break

  • Posted on 22nd July 2009,
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One of the earlier models of the Plain Cambot, who would rather spend his time reading the paper than watching out for criminals.

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Sketch: Gremlins FTW

  • Posted on 19th July 2009,
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Based on the Twitsketch prompt, “Imp tagging a wall with graffiti”. I used instead of any ol’ imp a gremlin character i’ve been playing around with lately.

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H is for Hollow: The Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book

  • Posted on 19th July 2009,
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Another page for my Depressing Faerie Alphabet Book: a fae having her soul removed, and not in the sweet painless “Dead Like Me” sort of way. Not so sure this is going to remain the H page, though. I did “Hollow” because that was the Illustration Friday word of the week… except my illustration “Fridays” usually…

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Sketch: Orc

  • Posted on 13th July 2009,
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He’s a little on the scrawny side, for an orc. Perhaps this is one of the nerdy ones who doesn’t work out as much and is picked on by all the big jock orcs.

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Sketch: Lifeguard

  • Posted on 12th July 2009,
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Originally she was going to be a superhero, but she sort of metamorphosed into a lifeguard instead. Which, i guess, is close enough to the same thing, as the important saving-lives bit remains. And swimming seems impossible enough to me for it to count as a superpower.

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Sketch: Tilt

  • Posted on 6th July 2009,
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Leaning back to get a better view of the rooftop sniper. This is a situation where having a speaker to warn her boss might come in useful.

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Sketch: Third Set

  • Posted on 4th July 2009,
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I imagine having an odd number of limbs would leave people a bit off-balance, but never having had a third arm or leg, i wouldn’t know from first-hand experience. It’s possible people born like this would think an even number of limbs would be useless.

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Sketch: Thor

  • Posted on 25th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa I cannot for the life of me remember what was going through my mind when i drew this. Except i wanted him to look a bit girly.

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Sketch: Safari Girl

  • Posted on 24th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Yes, i’m aware that’s an incredibly awkward shooting pose. She’ll never hit anything like that. But she looks big and bad, and maybe that’ll be enough to scare away the wild sandworms.

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Sketch: Elf Abuse

  • Posted on 23rd June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa In some countries, the “inferior” elves are allowed to be kept as slaves… these elves are typically not treated very well.

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Sketch: Claws

  • Posted on 17th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Can’t really tell, but she’s a cyborg with claw-hands. Not convenient for jar-opening.

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Sketch: Zombie Maid

  • Posted on 16th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Originally done for Drawing Day a few weeks ago – and originally posted on TwitPic as a crappy cellphone shot. Now properly scanned.

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Sketch: Yozhinka

  • Posted on 14th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A little fae-creature who prefers altered human clothes over that skimpy stuff the other fae wear.

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Sketch: Playtime!

  • Posted on 13th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Exception to the “if i’m bored and cranky, my drawings are bored and cranky” rule: sometimes my bored-and-cranky drawings are actually painfully cheerful instead.

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Sketch: Bookworm

  • Posted on 9th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Sketched in Barnes&Noble while trying not to look like i was staring too much at a stranger’s ass.

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Sketch: Nyota

  • Posted on 28th May 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Bit of Trekkie fanart – was meant to be Nyota Uhura as portrayed in the newest film. About halfway through i realised i don’t remember Uhura holding a phaser at any point in that film. Come to think of it, i don’t remember her holding a phaser at all through the entire…

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Sketch: Get a Head

  • Posted on 21st May 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Not nearly enough detail in the hand/hair, but that’s what sketches do… well, suffice to say the brochure advertising a meeting to “get a head in business” wasn’t totally a typo.

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Illustration for ‘The Theater’

  • Posted on 8th May 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Originally for the Illustration Friday theme, Theatre, but i was a bit (read: a full week) late finishing it. I guess it works for Hierarchy, too: one girl dominant, one submissive, stuck together forever. The line at the bottom is from The Theater by Sir John Falstaffe, describing Plato’s theory on how…

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Sketch: Zombie

  • Posted on 7th May 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa He’s kept the rot more or less at bay up ’til now, but it finally took out one of his arms.

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Sketch: Svetlana 500H

  • Posted on 4th May 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa The Svetlana model is a warrior droid with the ability to focus energy and heat through various points on her body. The 500H shown here is pretty much only able to use her weapons through her hands, but more sophisticated models are able to use any point on their bodies.

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Sketch: Elf

  • Posted on 3rd May 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Quick elf sketch. Nothin’ special. I did have a bit of fun tweaking the ear style, though.

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Sketch: Dancer

  • Posted on 2nd May 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Meh. Don’t really like how this one came out. But it’s hardly the worst thing i’ve posted :/

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Sketch: Grackle Woman

  • Posted on 30th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa I should call her a crow-woman or a raven-woman or some similar bird which Most People Actually Know About. But a grackle’s the only bird i’ve ever seen scare a cat. (Well, a hawk would probably do it, too, but they’re less likely to sit right outside my house staring in the…

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Sketch: Alien Warrior

  • Posted on 29th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Meant to be an alien. Then turned into a sword-fighter. Then was given alien eyes/ears so i could pretend i knew what i was doing all along. Some days… some days i do not focus very well.

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Sketch: Stretch

  • Posted on 22nd April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A rather overworked Plain cambot. Really, there should be more than one if she is to be expected to watch so many places at once. Note she’s not as shiny as most Plains, either – cheap plastic version. You can tell her owners are really skimping on security.

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Sketch: Experiment Gone Bad

  • Posted on 20th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Title referring to the sketch itself, not the subject. Well, now i know one more wretchedly atrocious ugly technique for future avoidance.

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Sketch: Off to Work

  • Posted on 19th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A cartoon of a bear heading in to the office. This is what happens when one uses a random generator to determine the subject of one’s art.

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Sketch: Flying

  • Posted on 16th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa In retrospect, a metal band connecting skin to a fire-shooting jet is probably a bad idea. Like, third-degree-burns bad.

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Sketch: Circus Gymnast

  • Posted on 15th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A cyborg with his original torso removed and replaced with something far more flexible. For digestive purposes, he has a metal stomach which can be inserted into his torso-cage.

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Sketch: Still Alive

  • Posted on 14th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A test bot of about the same durability of an average soldier, designed to test body armour designs by suiting up and having bombs dropped on him.

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Sketch: The Other Mother

  • Posted on 13th April 2009,
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Based on the Other Mother from Neil Gaiman’s book, Coraline. I say “from the book” and not “from the film” because i haven’t seen the film. And probably won’t – not because i didn’t like the book (i did) but because my taste in books and in films are so ridiculously different. I think the…

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Sketch: Tiffany

  • Posted on 12th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Roughly based on the Malrompita model, Tiffany is meant to be a spy. She can be skinned to look like virtually any human female. There’s also a child version codenamed Taffy, who was designed later but is turning out to be far more popular. Who doesn’t trust a kid?

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Sketch: Four-Arm

  • Posted on 10th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Quick sketch of a four-armed alien. One of these days i am going to work out a proper guide to alien anatomy.

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Sketch: Medusa

  • Posted on 8th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa An attempt at sketching something out using Illustrator, instead of Photoshop. Vectors aren’t really made for sketching. 😛

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Sketch: Direct Line

  • Posted on 6th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Bio-vein implant takes the freshest, most recently oxygenated blood directly to the brain. Internal fiber-optic wires draw energy from the heart in order to power biologically accessible memory implanted near the brain stem. And with all this extra brain power, she still can’t get her hair right.

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Sketch: Doggirl

  • Posted on 4th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa I could’ve done a catgirl, but i think i’ve already done a few hundred of them. Come to think of it, i’ve probably done plenty of doggirls, too. I need to expand my furry repertoire to include lynx. I’ve never done a lynxgirl before and the ears would be awesome.

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  • Posted on 3rd April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa No androids, robots, comic-book characters, etc. today. Just a normal person. I’ve been playing around with a generator script the past few days and put “normal person” as one of the “subject” variables. It’d never happen otherwise.

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Sketch: Armed Elf

  • Posted on 31st March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa No fancy-shmancy bow and arrow for her; she goes straight for the gun. Though, if her aim is anything like Legolas’, i don’t think it matters either way. Seriously, pitch-dark cave and he gets an Orc right between the eyes from a hundred meters away? Can you imagine what an elf could…

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Sketch: Daydreamer

  • Posted on 28th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa In the full sketch-which-i-never-finished-inking (i know, i know, bad habit Sherry, stop not-finishing your pictures!), she’s wearing a basketball jersey. And is obviously quite short.

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Taken by the Enemy

  • Posted on 27th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Inspired by the Illustration Friday theme, Subtract, and the book Taken by the Enemy, in which a teenage boy is subtracted from his family by the Confederate army… Yes, it’s a bit of a stretch on the theme. This particular image is an experiment in working with a very limited colour scheme…

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Sketch: Gremlin

  • Posted on 21st March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Trying to practice my digital inking skills. Didn’t take into account i normally do my digital sketches at only 72dpi… oops. This is the second dammit-i-should-know-better mistake i made with regards to digital art this week.

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Sketch: Wingless Fae

  • Posted on 16th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A tiny little water-fae. Ditched the wings as they were just one more thing the tadpoles were nibbling on.

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Sketch: T-Shirt

  • Posted on 15th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Originally i was going to put some sort of design on the shirt. We’ll call this the limited-edition “Write Your Own Funny Quote with a Sharpie*” shirt. *Sharpie not included.

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Sketch: Gym Teacher

  • Posted on 14th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A character for a comic strip i (very briefly) considered doing. For about five minutes six months ago. I don’t even remember the basic premise of the comic, just the four main characters were all female, two still in high school, one their gym teacher.

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Sketch: Bored Rano

  • Posted on 11th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa There’s only so many variations of a bored Rano waiting impatiently for her next job i can do… and i seem to be trying to figure out every one of them 😛

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Sketch: Magic Harp

  • Posted on 10th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A modification of the Plain cambot, a custom job for a man who wanted a little company in the form of someone who would sing to him. This particular cambot also has vibration enhancers and synthesisers in her hair, which allows her to mimic the sounds of many instruments, though she came…

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Sketch: Kuda?

  • Posted on 7th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Eh? And where do you think you’re going now? Guess you shouldn’t have assumed she wouldn’t notice you sneaking off.

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Sketch: Plain Manoj

  • Posted on 26th February 2009,
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Trying something different with images. May screw up the RSS/email subs (in that subscribers might no longer see pictures). This makes me cranky. But, enough of that. This ‘bot is the Plain Manoj model, a cheaper version of the Plain Cambot, Retail Model, for shopkeepers who don’t need or can’t afford another security cambot but…

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Sketch: Medusa Model 1

  • Posted on 22nd February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa The “Medusa” is an unofficial model, originally a Plain Cambot. She was hacked up a bit by an MIT student attempting to develop a security system by replacing her original eyecam with a motion-activated DNA detector and laser rifle. The hair mods were originally a joke… but sometimes, late at night, they seem…

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Sketch: Malrompita Model 2

  • Posted on 21st February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa The Malrompita Model 2 has a sturdier skeletal structure than the Model 1. She also has fewer component hooks, which many meks considered a disadvantage at first, but in truth most of the eliminated hooks were unnecessary and removing them made her assembly much easier without actually damaging any of her functionality.

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Sketch: Malrompita Model 1

  • Posted on 20th February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa The Malrompita Model 1 – self-assembly required. The Malrompita line is actually a basic skeletal ‘bot, rather than a complete android. She was originally designed for battle, as the ability to swap out parts easily means she is both easily repaired and highly adaptable for different situations; however, she’s been more or…

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Sketch: Rano Model 1

  • Posted on 19th February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Working on coming up with proper model names for my little robots. Ultimately i’d like the brand + product + semi-random-number combination so much other tech has, but for now i’ll settle for the basic product name. This one’s a Rano, named with the Esperanto word for “frog.” A basic little spy-bot,…

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Sketch: Plain Cambot, Rear View

  • Posted on 18th February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa I think i need to come up with proper model names for some of these androids, especially the ones which show up repeatedly, like the one-eyed limbless cambot. My geeky inner child wants to figure out some sort of code system of complicated number-names, like every other tech company does now –…

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Sketch: Talkie

  • Posted on 9th February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Not much this particular model can do. Watch you and talk to you. She is, however, the latest and greatest from 1984, Inc.

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Sketch: Dragon Slayer

  • Posted on 3rd February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Some of the proportions are off – not to mention it’s pretty much impossible for someone to balance standing like that. 😛

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Sketch: Look Down

  • Posted on 2nd February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa My little sister’s favourite CD as of late is the soundtrack for Les Misérables. Except she can’t pronounce “les misérables,” so she usually refers to it by the name of her favourite song, “Look Down.” And then promptly proceeds to sing along, in the most bad-ass voice she can muster: Look down,…

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Sketch: Crazy Eye

  • Posted on 25th January 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa I’m going to be doing a bit of tinkering with the Sketchblog – first, i do most of my sketching at home, but i really prefer working digitally as opposed to in my sketchbook most of the time, and it seems a waste of time to do silly little sketches on paper…

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Sketch: Working Girl

  • Posted on 16th January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa Always oh-so-busy… floors ain’t gonna scrub themselves… Wait, what kind of working girl did you think i was referring to?

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Sketch: Escapist Dreams

  • Posted on 12th January 2009,
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Pen & pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa A harem girl dreaming of escaping over the balcony – or maybe someone else is dreaming of her instead.

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Sketch: Amazonian

  • Posted on 11th January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa A warrior princess, having a rather boring day as she’s stuck hunting wild animals instead of going into glorious battle.

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Sketch: Chelsea

  • Posted on 10th January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa Based on one of the characters from Scott Sigler’s latest novel, Contagious. I clearly need to get my hands on some decent reference photos of small children – Chelsea is five, but the youngest kid i’ve spent any time around lately is eleven. I know some of Chelsea’s…

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Sketch: Spoiled

  • Posted on 8th January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa A teenage girl who is unlikely to listen to anyone who tells her “no.”

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Sketch: Water

  • Posted on 4th January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa Extremely quick (like, ten-second) sketch of a woman carrying water from a well

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Sketch: Wrap Job

  • Posted on 28th December 2008,
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Pen & pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A young woman wearing a wrap garment covering most of her body.

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Sketch: Starbucks Farmer

  • Posted on 22nd December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I have no idea whether this guy was actually a farmer or not, and technically he was drawn in the Barnes & Noble Cafe (which sells Starbucks coffee, but is not actually a Starbucks.)

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Sketch: Insect Eve

  • Posted on 21st December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa No deep, thought-provoking allegory here; just wanted to draw a four-armed lady, and Eve seemed as good a subject as any.

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Sketch: Na Barje

  • Posted on 19th December 2008,
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Pen & pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A girl refusing an offered drink at the bar. Maybe ’cause she’s with her boyfriend, maybe she’s the designated driver on Girls’ Night Out, maybe she just thinks the guy’s kind of creepy. It’d be easier to tell if i’d drawn him in. 😛 As it…

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Sketch: Balancing

  • Posted on 18th December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa This is so Not Quite Right, she’s sitting far too close to the edge of the roof/box/odd-looking chair.

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Sketch: Swirlygig

  • Posted on 17th December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Bit of a difference from my regular plain androids, this one’s decorated for Mardis Gras.

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Sketch: Catboy

  • Posted on 16th December 2008,
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Pen & pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Catboy! Because there’s enough catgirls in the world… and because my kitten is a boy. In retrospect, turning a Real Cat into an Imaginary Catboy doesn’t work too very well.

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Sketch: Clunker

  • Posted on 15th December 2008,
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Pen & pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A rather clunky android. I kind of gave up on drawing her accurately when the lights went out :/

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Sketch: Schoolgirl

  • Posted on 14th December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Drawn entirely from my quite faulty memory, a Russian schoolgirl in school uniform. The only time i’ve ever actually been to Russia was during summer break, and the only pictures i’ve seen of Russian children in school uniform are fairly old, so even if my memory were absolutely…

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Sketch: Disgruntled Employee

  • Posted on 13th December 2008,
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Pen & pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa My Christmas card for next year may very well be a cleaned-up version of this picture. Now… nobody i showed this sketch to actually got the concept the first time ’round. I’m not sure if that’s because the initial sketch is so shoddy, or because the…

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Sketch: Party Girl

  • Posted on 11th December 2008,
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Pen & pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I used to own a dress like this, though looking back on it, i was probably too young to really get away with wearing something this frilly and short.

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Sketch: Balloon

  • Posted on 8th December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Children love balloons! Right? At least this one’s an android baby. No suffocation worries. Though, without proper ventilation, e might overheat…

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Sketch: Mary II

  • Posted on 7th December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Another idea for a painting which may or may not ever actually be completed. It looks a bit like a scene from “Alien” in this sketch but the finished idea is someone being reborn as a better person – well, better android, in this case 😛

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Sketch: Mary

  • Posted on 6th December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Random idea for a more finished Robot Amputee-style painting – not sure if i’ll ever complete it or not, though. We’ll see.

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Sketch: A Few Extra Heads

  • Posted on 26th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Three heads is totally better than one. Especially if you’re a robot amputee in danger of losing the one you’ve currently got.

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Sketch: Sisters

  • Posted on 25th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Android sisters, joined at the hip. Though they don’t look very Siamese to me…

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Sketch: Stretch

  • Posted on 24th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A wonderful yoga pose to stretch your spine… if you can get into it.

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Sketch: Negotiating with Teacher

  • Posted on 23rd November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Drawn a few weeks ago, just getting scanned now. I… may have been a bit irritated with our current administration at the time. Something about my government attacking a Syria construction site in an attempt to kill terrorists, and instead killing a bunch of civilians, including four kids….

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Sketch: Shadow Animals

  • Posted on 21st November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I don’t know of any child who would actually be so calm, should eir shadow animals spontaneously become real.

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Sketch: Palin

  • Posted on 20th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa An absolutely wretched caricature of Sarah Palin – i didn’t have any photo references of her handy, so it’s mostly just little jokes which vaguely reference her personality. Like some pit-bull-with-lipstick bling.

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Sketch: Harold

  • Posted on 18th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A quick sketch of the main character of my National Novel Writing Month attempts: Harold, a middle-aged accountant. And by “quick sketch” i mean “he looks more like a seven-year-old dressed up for church than a middle-aged accountant.”

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Sketch: Wizard

  • Posted on 17th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Wizardly woman, getting ready to lay some smackdown spells.

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Sketch: Dancer

  • Posted on 16th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa An Irish dancer, drawn at an Irish dance show. Mostly drawn in the dark.

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Sketch: Suspended

  • Posted on 1st November 2008,
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Pen, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Why suspended? Why bald and limbless? Where did the bubbles come from? I should start a new blog category for amputees, or at least start tagging them as such; i draw enough of them.

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IF: Plain

  • Posted on 23rd January 2008,
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Inspired by the Illustration Friday theme, Plain. A very plain little android… I imagine she’s really not much more than a relatively interesting-looking security camera. ****Print available**** through deviantArt.

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