Traditional Art

Survival Mechanisms

  • Posted on 10th April 2014,
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Survival Mechanisms

I’d exercise, tell myself stories, draw eseekas on the ground… …Relax your mind. Imagine that the circle encompasses your entire existence. Let it become part of you. Now without thinking about it, allow your hand to make a mark inside the circle. Expand on the mark. Let it grow organically until it becomes a pattern….

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Colour? What sorcery is this?

  • Posted on 4th September 2013,
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I love using colour in my artwork. Hell, there were a few times in art school when I got in a bit of trouble for doing fauvist art when we weren’t supposed to. (I like fauvism. No regrets. It was better than getting in trouble for having a snowball fight in the dorms… I think….

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Caricature: Paul Ryan

  • Posted on 3rd June 2013,
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Caricature: Paul Ryan

Quite possibly my first caricature which a) actually looks like the person it’s supposed to be and b) doesn’t look too much like the person it’s supposed to be. I paused the news show he was on in the middle of him making a vaguely muppet-like face. Then again, i also paused him in the…

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Matryoshka Camoflauge

  • Posted on 18th April 2013,
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Matryoshka Camoflauge

Sometimes who you are inside outgrows your ability to hide… I have no fancy description for this one, i just like matryoshki. This is another one i did the carving for years ago – shortly after i came out to my mum, more specifically. I think it expresses why i came out about as well as…

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Bandit Cat

  • Posted on 17th April 2013,
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Bandit Cat

Taking advantage of the negative space in my black-and-white cat’s face. The block for this print is close to two years old, and i think this is only the second time i’ve used it. I don’t do block prints very often. Print available for $5

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  • Posted on 23rd March 2013,
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A little inspiration to grow a bit every day. This is officially the first artwork i’ve ever done which sold on Etsy before i had a chance to post it to my own site. …I’m not used to not having a piece on the easel next to my desk while i write it up. The…

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  • Posted on 12th March 2013,
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The trees of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. …I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a depressing or optimistic piece. There is purposely only one sapling in the ‘tomorrow’ section of the print – a good many cut-down trees aren’t replaced soon after, if ever, and the effect a sapling has on the ecosystem…

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Raven Feathers

  • Posted on 6th March 2013,
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Raven Feathers

A simple silhouette of a pair of raven feathers. My first Good Screenprint, by which i mean i finally got up the nerve to use watercolour paper instead of cheap copy paper. Some of my copy-paper prints could maybe count as ‘good’ but the paper didn’t hold the ink very well. I’m already ‘upgrading’ from…

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Screenprinting Attempts

  • Posted on 27th February 2013,
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Screenprinting Attempts

Cheap paper, cheap screenprinting kit, cheap stencil. Just practising to get the hang of things, partly so when i use better stuff i don’t ruin it. I seem to have somehow gotten it into my head to learn a new art technique every month. My inner artist is saying this will lead to focusing too…

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  • Posted on 16th January 2013,
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Just a generic zombie. She’s still got a bit of fight left in her. By coincidence i ended up drawing this right after reading an article about the animals killed while producing vegetarian food. I’d already planned on sketching up a zombie for general drawing-the-undead practice, but there’s a very different thought pattern in drawing…

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  • Posted on 4th January 2013,
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Pencil, 9″x12″ A vampire’s victim emerging from the shadows. Not quite turned to a full vampire herself yet, but she doesn’t like the sun any more. By chance, two days ago i passed up on buying some black paper because i don’t draw light-on-dark often enough to justify it. Haven’t in years. But today i…

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  • Posted on 11th November 2012,
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yet another nymph drawing. Still going through a bit of a shy phase, but she’ll eventually grow into quite a beauty. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 7th November 2012,
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Brighid is one of the more famous Celtic goddesses. Or, rather, three of the more famous goddesses, as Brighid is a triple goddess. Rumour has it the Catholic saint Brigid is a Christianised version of this goddess. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Decisions – Pencil

  • Posted on 5th November 2012,
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Decisions – Pencil

The challenge of choosing the right path… I’m still trying to decide if she counts as a ‘faerie’ or not. She wasn’t originally meant to be and the pattern behind her is even at its most wing-like a very abstract representation. Pencil, 8.4″x11″. Planning on adding some colour in PS as well but this is…

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  • Posted on 3rd November 2012,
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Tree nymphs are a bit more popular, but why let them have all the fun? Water nymphs enjoy the woods as much as any other. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 29th October 2012,
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In theory this is just a generic dancer figure drawing. But i think she’s up to something… Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 27th October 2012,
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Mossy nymph or moss-covered stone? This particular figure drawing is a bit ambiguous in that area. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Waxing Moon

  • Posted on 25th October 2012,
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Waxing Moon

Originally meant to be a moon-goddess, but i didn’t do much with her beyond a side-lit figure drawing. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 21st October 2012,
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Figure drawing meets climbing vine, with a bit of piercing study thrown in. I’ve seen snakes, cats, and dragons turned into two-part earrings like this – i won’t be much surprised if i see someone’s done it with plants, too. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Striped Snake

  • Posted on 19th October 2012,
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Striped Snake

Anthropomorphic figure drawing based on the little garter snake. Random anecdote: I once volunteered at an animal shelter which had, among other animals, a snake. The information sheet on the snake’s aquarium listed them as a stray. I still have no idea what sort of person finds a ‘stray’ snake and brings it to the…

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Wasp Queen

  • Posted on 17th October 2012,
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Wasp Queen

The leader of the hive and her little friend. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 16th October 2012,
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Sea creatures need love, too. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 15th October 2012,
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Not as much of a firestarter as Flame, but Smoulder still needs to be handled with care. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Sea Elf

  • Posted on 13th October 2012,
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Sea Elf

I suppose she could qualify as a mermaid, but standard mermaids are so rarely drawn with anything interesting about the ears. The defining feature is the not-shown-here tail. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 9th October 2012,
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Yet another half-formed werewolf. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 8th October 2012,
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Drawing a series of human + nature images… something vaguely were-wolfish had to happen eventually. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Flame II

  • Posted on 7th October 2012,
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Flame II

The male version of the original ‘Flame’. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 6th October 2012,
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Taking fire-dancing to a whole new level. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Prints available starting at $13.29

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  • Posted on 5th October 2012,
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It is irritatingly difficult to make someone appear to be the living embodiment of rain and not just someone caught in a storm, and I’m still not sure I succeeded in this one. I suppose she could be a nature-lover dancing in the rain for celebratory purposes. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 4th October 2012,
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Generic nymph, just starting to put down her roots. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Summer Nymph

  • Posted on 3rd October 2012,
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Summer Nymph

A sequel (prequel?) to Autumn Nymph. Summer has a reputation for being a bit of a gossip, but she keeps more secrets than she tells. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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Wind Dancer

  • Posted on 29th August 2012,
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Wind Dancer

There had always been loose clothes to flow around her body and jangling bracelets to ring on her arms, but with the magic bottle, she could finally dance with air itself. Prints also available through Imagekind

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Maid in the Moon (NSFW)

  • Posted on 28th August 2012,
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Maid in the Moon (NSFW)

Probably should have made her older, considering this is clearly a waning moon. Suppose we can just pretend she’s from the Southern hemisphere… Prints available through Imagekind

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Autumn Nymph

  • Posted on 27th August 2012,
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Autumn Nymph

Most of the leaves have fallen, but she’s found a new friend for the winter. Prints available through Imagekind. Might sell the original pencil drawing someday, too.

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  • Posted on 5th January 2011,
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First attempt at a wood/linoleum/whatever block print (well, first attempt since printmaking class six-or-so years ago) Not bad, i think. Managed to do the whole thing without stabbing myself once, which i think is a record for me. And it’s more or less clear what it’s supposed to be. I even got the ‘exist’ lettering…

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