Another Depressing Faerie Letter which was supposed to be for Illustration Friday, but alphabetical conflict with Worn got in the way. (I’m almost looking forward to the day when using an opposite no longer works for IF, either, and i can go crazy with whatever letter and word i choose. But i’m also having wonderful fun working up ideas based on words of someone else’s choosing.)
For “Unwrap” (altered from the IF theme “wrapped”), i present a rather dirty-minded little troll, untying the gift he bought himself at the auction house last night. Also won at the auction: a baby cat sidhe, to be trained up as a guard-cat. Keeping thieves away from the treasure, or keeping the slaves from escaping?
On a skateboard note: I really like the way the Modify skateboard looks, enough that i’ll probably end up doing every letter of the alphabet as a board. It means i’ll have to go back and make up a few of the older ones, but at least i’m not starting this after the twenty-fifth illustration…