
Gamification and Art Streaks

  • Posted on 22nd January 2014,
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Gamification and Art Streaks

I’m trying to get back in the habit of Drawing Something New Every Bloody Day, a habit i’ve managed to maintain for years at a time before but have repeatedly fallen out of and always had difficulty getting back into. (Motivation to keep a four-hundred-day drawing streak going is easy. Motivation to start a new…

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Caricature: Paul Ryan

  • Posted on 3rd June 2013,
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Caricature: Paul Ryan

Quite possibly my first caricature which a) actually looks like the person it’s supposed to be and b) doesn’t look too much like the person it’s supposed to be. I paused the news show he was on in the middle of him making a vaguely muppet-like face. Then again, i also paused him in the…

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  • Posted on 28th February 2013,
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Digital speed painting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. A bit of a troublemaking imp this time. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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Spektas Du

  • Posted on 26th February 2013,
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Spektas Du

Digital speed painting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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Flustras kun Arboj

  • Posted on 25th February 2013,
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Flustras kun Arboj

Digital speed painting, 50 minutes. A nymph and her tree. This was somewhat inspired by this week’s Illustration Friday theme, ‘Whisper’. Except it seems the tree is the one doing all the talking in this illo. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 23rd February 2013,
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Since i’m speed painting every day this month anyway, i gave myself a new self-portrait for my birthday. I usually use a self-portrait instead of a photo for my avatar or userpic on the sites which allow such a thing, but my last one is over a year old (and, by extension, a piercing short),…

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  • Posted on 19th February 2013,
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Digital speed painting, 12 minutes. yet another simple portrait. This is the first time i bothered setting up video for a twelve-minute painting. Mainly because i knew when i started i’d not be taking the time for a half-hour painting today. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 18th February 2013,
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Digital speed painting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. And look, i actually painted a man. For once. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 17th February 2013,
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Digital speed painting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 16th February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 12 minutes. yet another simple portrait. No video for this one, mostly because i’ve only done videos of half-hour ones. I can’t remember if i didn’t have time to do a half-hour on this day or if the half-hour one was just really atrocious. (I am maybe a few days behind on uploads.) Reproductions…

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  • Posted on 14th February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 13th February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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‘Pensa Du’ Speedpainting

  • Posted on 11th February 2013,
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‘Pensa Du’ Speedpainting

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Back to two layers but trying to keep up the stuff which is handy in one layer. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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‘Unu’ Speedpainting

  • Posted on 10th February 2013,
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‘Unu’ Speedpainting

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Did this one all on one layer (usually i use two). It was a bit of an accident but for speedpainting i think it may actually work better – mainly because not being able to erase properly or lock the transparency of the working layer forced me to actually keep my mask…

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‘Mola’ Speedpainting

  • Posted on 9th February 2013,
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‘Mola’ Speedpainting

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Experimenting using softer brushes than usual. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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Fantomo Speedpainting

  • Posted on 7th February 2013,
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Fantomo Speedpainting

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Generic ghost-woman. I actually finished this yesterday but didn’t quite have time to upload it. So today may be a twofer day as far as speedpainting uploads goes. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 5th February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Not necessarily Anne Hathaway’s Fantine, just a sad post-selling-every-damn-thing-she-has Fantine. Someday i’ll need to draw a happier one. If you watch the video, there’s a bit of messing around in the background which ended up being deleted from the final image. Nothing particularly impressive (which is why none of it made it…

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  • Posted on 4th February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another quick portrait. I tried using more opaque brushes than usual this time, worked out good in some places and not so good in other places. We’ll see how it goes after i’ve better got the hang of it. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 3rd February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Originally meant to be a girl hiding from zombies, but i think she turned into a zombie herself mid-painting. I picked up a copy of World War Z yesterday. I’ve got zombies on the brain. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 2nd February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. One of the goddess/saint Brigid for Imbolc. I’m very fond of Imbolc. It tends to come right when i’m ready for winter to be over, and it’s nice to have a little holiday to brighten things up a bit, especially one which primarily focuses on the very first signs of spring. Reproductions…

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  • Posted on 1st February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Meant to be an angel, but there’s not enough detail in this little portrait for it to be obvious. So… this makes my first painting of my speedpainting-a-day attempt for February. One down, twenty-seven to go. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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Speedpainting – Pensa

  • Posted on 30th January 2013,
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Speedpainting – Pensa

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Just a thoughtful young woman. I don’t plan on doing any speedpainting today but otherwise i would say i’ve been getting a jump on the whole ‘speedpaint every day’ plan i have for February. Also! I finally figured out video recording. Mostly. It’s not a perfect recording (most notably, when i sped…

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Speedpainting – Cosmetic

  • Posted on 26th January 2013,
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Speedpainting – Cosmetic

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. A bit of make-up experimentation. I’m somewhat planning on doing a speedpainting every day in February. Maybe by the end of the month i’ll have even figured out videos. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 18th January 2013,
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After ‘Sadness‘ i thought i may as well try my hand at a proper speedpainting: no pencil art and strict time constraints, just an hour of digital work. Stuck to something relatively simple so i could still reach a level of detail in such a small amount of time, and this was the result. I…

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  • Posted on 11th November 2012,
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yet another nymph drawing. Still going through a bit of a shy phase, but she’ll eventually grow into quite a beauty. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 7th November 2012,
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Brighid is one of the more famous Celtic goddesses. Or, rather, three of the more famous goddesses, as Brighid is a triple goddess. Rumour has it the Catholic saint Brigid is a Christianised version of this goddess. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Decisions – Pencil

  • Posted on 5th November 2012,
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Decisions – Pencil

The challenge of choosing the right path… I’m still trying to decide if she counts as a ‘faerie’ or not. She wasn’t originally meant to be and the pattern behind her is even at its most wing-like a very abstract representation. Pencil, 8.4″x11″. Planning on adding some colour in PS as well but this is…

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  • Posted on 29th October 2012,
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In theory this is just a generic dancer figure drawing. But i think she’s up to something… Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 27th October 2012,
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Mossy nymph or moss-covered stone? This particular figure drawing is a bit ambiguous in that area. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Waxing Moon

  • Posted on 25th October 2012,
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Waxing Moon

Originally meant to be a moon-goddess, but i didn’t do much with her beyond a side-lit figure drawing. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 21st October 2012,
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Figure drawing meets climbing vine, with a bit of piercing study thrown in. I’ve seen snakes, cats, and dragons turned into two-part earrings like this – i won’t be much surprised if i see someone’s done it with plants, too. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Striped Snake

  • Posted on 19th October 2012,
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Striped Snake

Anthropomorphic figure drawing based on the little garter snake. Random anecdote: I once volunteered at an animal shelter which had, among other animals, a snake. The information sheet on the snake’s aquarium listed them as a stray. I still have no idea what sort of person finds a ‘stray’ snake and brings it to the…

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Wasp Queen

  • Posted on 17th October 2012,
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Wasp Queen

The leader of the hive and her little friend. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 16th October 2012,
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Sea creatures need love, too. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 15th October 2012,
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Not as much of a firestarter as Flame, but Smoulder still needs to be handled with care. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Sea Elf

  • Posted on 13th October 2012,
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Sea Elf

I suppose she could qualify as a mermaid, but standard mermaids are so rarely drawn with anything interesting about the ears. The defining feature is the not-shown-here tail. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 9th October 2012,
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Yet another half-formed werewolf. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 8th October 2012,
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Drawing a series of human + nature images… something vaguely were-wolfish had to happen eventually. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Flame II

  • Posted on 7th October 2012,
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Flame II

The male version of the original ‘Flame’. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 6th October 2012,
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Taking fire-dancing to a whole new level. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Prints available starting at $13.29

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  • Posted on 5th October 2012,
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It is irritatingly difficult to make someone appear to be the living embodiment of rain and not just someone caught in a storm, and I’m still not sure I succeeded in this one. I suppose she could be a nature-lover dancing in the rain for celebratory purposes. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 4th October 2012,
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Generic nymph, just starting to put down her roots. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Summer Nymph

  • Posted on 3rd October 2012,
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Summer Nymph

A sequel (prequel?) to Autumn Nymph. Summer has a reputation for being a bit of a gossip, but she keeps more secrets than she tells. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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Raven (NSFW)

  • Posted on 1st October 2012,
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Raven (NSFW)

Somewhat inspired by the Morrigan, but really just a generic raven-shapeshifter. Mostly in human form right now but some feathers are still around. Original pencil art available for $15.00

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Cyborg Fashion II

  • Posted on 29th September 2012,
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Cyborg Fashion II

Just another cyborg fashion model. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 28th September 2012,
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Quick & easy health monitors. Primarily used in understaffed hospitals, as they allow even completely untrained volunteers to notice immediately when something goes wrong. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 24th September 2012,
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Neural hotlinks and biological implants. Everything nicely wired up for the ultimate in portable computing. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 22nd September 2012,
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Taking a few days ‘off’, which translates to ‘draw a generic freckle-faced woman and then fool around with Photoshop brushes to make her sparkly instead of actually doing a proper full-blown painting’. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 20th September 2012,
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This almost wasn’t a cyborg illustration at all – I was experimenting with showing different emotions through the eyes, and decided to give this woman something to be angry about. Namely, facing down the enemy who took out her original eye and necessitated its replacement. Which, of course, requires drawing in a replacement. The scar’s…

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  • Posted on 18th September 2012,
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Started off as another attempt at coming up with an illustration for the ‘Burst’ theme but… maybe not so bursty. (There’s a ‘Daria’ joke in there somewhere…) Just a bit of fancy club wear. Make the eyes really stand out. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 |…

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Soul Seller

  • Posted on 17th September 2012,
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Soul Seller

The rebellious goth kids of the future won’t need to settle for snakebite piercings and heavy metal t-shirts. This one’s gone for the devil look, with glowing red eyes and fiery tattoo implants. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 16th September 2012,
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Similar, but different, ‘Projector‘-style implant. I wanted to see if I could work an Illustration Friday image into this series, this week being ‘Burst’. The best I’ve come up with so far was a fireworks projection implant, which didn’t come out too well in my sketches. So, bubbles. Suppose I could have a bubble or…

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  • Posted on 15th September 2012,
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Projection implants. Get your computer screens, television shows, and anything else you can imagine broadcasted right in front of your eyes. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 12th September 2012,
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An alternate to ‘Wired‘, this one has her MP3 player and headphones implanted for constant portability. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 11th September 2012,
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Another bit of cyborg style. It’s not always about abstraction – sometimes the implants are used to build up such pretties as haloes. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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Cyborg Fashion

  • Posted on 10th September 2012,
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Cyborg Fashion

A cyborg fashion model. Vertical stripes are very in this season. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 9th September 2012,
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Pagans can totally be cyborgs, too. It took about ten minutes of working on this image before it turned into an experiment to see how many Awen or Awen-like symbols I could squeeze in and still have it look good. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 |…

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It’s Complicated

  • Posted on 7th September 2012,
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It’s Complicated

For when wearing your heart on your sleeve isn’t obvious enough: neuroscanners figure out the initials of your love and match them with your own on the chest implant. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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Messy Eater

  • Posted on 5th September 2012,
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Messy Eater

A vampire after dinner –“ and looking for her dessert… Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Visit my Imagekind shop to buy a print or my Etsy shop to buy the original pencil art

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Sea Medusa

  • Posted on 3rd September 2012,
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Sea Medusa

Missing out on the standard snakes here, but she’s still got some interesting hair. Click here to buy prints through Imagekind or visit Etsy to buy the original pencil art.

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  • Posted on 3rd September 2012,
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An old android, no longer functioning as she should. As per usual, prints are available from Imagekind, but now I also have an Etsy shop. And by ‘I have an Etsy shop’ I mean I renamed my abandoned jewellery shop to be a little broader and put this one single solitary pencil drawing in it….

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  • Posted on 5th March 2010,
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Not as intense as i was originally planning on making her, but she looks fairly irritated.

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Sketch: Tilt

  • Posted on 27th November 2009,
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Sketch: Tilt

No fun attempt at a description today. It’s just a guy. A GUY TORMENTED BY CONSTANT VISIONS OF WORLD DESTRUCTION! /end overactive imagination

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Sketch: Choppy

  • Posted on 8th November 2009,
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Tried laying down colours with Sketchbook Mobile X’s brush tool instead of the airbrush… eh. I should really just splurge on the full version with actual transparency options already.

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Sketch: Hearing Aid

  • Posted on 18th September 2009,
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I’ve got a fascination with the concept of hardware which is powered by blood instead of batteries. I think this hearing aid reroutes a bit more than is necessary, though.

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Sketch: Pouting

  • Posted on 11th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Another drawn-when-bored sketch. If i’m bored and cranky, my drawings are bored and cranky.

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Sketch: Cyborg Warrior

  • Posted on 26th April 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A rather unauthorised modification of the Malrompita, the Soldjat is usually someone who started out as a human soldier, but either couldn’t get enough action after the army switched to heavy ‘droid use or was injured too badly to be kept in active duty without significant modding. The resulting Soldjats are really…

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Sketch: Crouter

  • Posted on 30th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A spoiled little monster child, pouting because he hasn’t received his latest wish from Mama and Daddy.

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Sketch: Wind

  • Posted on 29th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa A hyperactive elf with windblown hair. Doesn’t actually look too hyperactive right now… she’s starting to wind down for a nap.

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Sketch: Troublemaker

  • Posted on 27th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Probably would look better if i’d actually finished it, or at the very least put the top of his head on. Also, the eyebrows ought to be entirely redone. I wanted to give him a cocky, one-eyebrow-up look, but in retrospect i should have made him looking straight out. At an angle,…

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Sketch: Another Elf

  • Posted on 23rd March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Resolution finally done properly. Of course, my ability to draw the underside of someone’s chin still leaves something to be desired…

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Sketch: Sleepy Elf

  • Posted on 22nd March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa More lineart practice. Yes, i messed up the resolution twice in a row. Gotta change my Photoshop settings for the “sketches” template.

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Sketch: Party Fae

  • Posted on 17th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa All dressed up and the other girls she gossips with around the punch bowl still aren’t half-ready. Tsk.

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  • Posted on 10th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa I started this for the Illustration Friday theme, Instinct, based on the short story “Instinct” by George Oliver Smith. I did read the story before starting the illustration, but it’s been a couple of weeks and all i remember now is aliens are involved, humans are ridiculously stubborn, and sensory deprivation tanks…

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Sketch: Lipstick

  • Posted on 8th February 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa I’m not very happy with how the rest of the face came out, but i like the mouth itself.

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Sketch: Mask

  • Posted on 26th January 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Meh… not really happy with this one. But that’s the whole point of doing crappy sketches every day. 😛

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Sketch: Voiceless

  • Posted on 6th January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa Not sure where her homeworld is, but i’m quite certain it’s quieter than mine.

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Sketch: Optimist

  • Posted on 5th January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa Always looking up, looking on the bright side of things, and smiling like a fool

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Sketch: Astrid

  • Posted on 3rd January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa Sketch of Astrid Farnsworth (played by Jasika Nicole) of the TV show ‘Fringe.’

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Sketch: Customer

  • Posted on 2nd January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa Quick sketch of a customer at the paint store where i work part-time.

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Sketch: Blah!

  • Posted on 1st January 2009,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2009 Sharon Rosa Quick self-portrait, another portrait which doesn’t look quite like the person it should because i was bored and didn’t bother looking up reference pics. Fairly close, i think, i mostly know what i look like; though i gave myself an extra piercing for the fun of it.

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Sketch: Putin

  • Posted on 30th December 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A quick sketch of Putin – better than my horrible caricature of Sarah Palin, at any rate.

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  • Posted on 3rd December 2008,
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©2008 Sharon Rosa Inspired by the Illustration Friday theme, Balloon. In my head this is a somewhat sappy, romantic piece… if either one lets go then the connection is gone for both of them…

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Sketch: Hairlines

  • Posted on 15th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Wanted to do a bit of experimentation with hairstyles. Not entirely sure it worked.

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Sketch: Stare

  • Posted on 14th November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Yeah, i got no good description for this. It’s a robot, or robot-like woman. Staring. w00t. Oh, and i’d like to come up with a decent excuse for not updating for, like, a month. Except i don’t have a decent excuse. I have a sketchbook full of pictures…

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Sketch: Manga-ka FAIL.

  • Posted on 2nd November 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I need to remind myself manga proportions and normal proportions are not even remotely similar.

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Sketch: Looking Up

  • Posted on 31st October 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I am not even remotely good at drawing people’s chins when they are looking up. Must practice more.

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Sketch: The Extra

  • Posted on 28th October 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Not supposed to be anyone in particular, but for whatever odd reason this sketch reminds me of actor caricatures. I’m thinking it’s the cheekbone/eye combination.

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Sketch: Emo Elf

  • Posted on 26th October 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Not the best elf i’ve ever drawn; something a bit distorted around the face.

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Sketch: Seamus Kennedy

  • Posted on 18th October 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Last one from Irishfest: a ridiculously quick sketch of Seamus Kennedy. Due to a number of factors (mostly rain-related: my sketchbook was wet, my hands were wet, Seamus’ original concert got flooded and he had to be squeezed between two other concerts instead…) i didn’t get much time…

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Sketch: Mixed

  • Posted on 15th October 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Wow. I haven’t even scanned anything since a Celtic festival several weeks ago. Still been drawing, though, so i’ve got a backlog of images to start working through. This is a quick sketch of a fidgety little girl who was sitting a few rows ahead of me in…

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Sketch: Portrait

  • Posted on 23rd September 2008,
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Pencil, 11×8½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Quick portrait of an imaginary robot. I like the collarbone better than the face :/

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Sketch: Spirit

  • Posted on 16th August 2008,
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Pencil, 11×8 in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Saw her once, years ago, and every now and then i try to draw her… but i can’t get it quite right. Reminded of her again after a recent Massive Spoon Disappearance. I don’t think it’s her, but it’s someone, and i’d like to know who.

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Sketch: Goblin

  • Posted on 15th August 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa An auld goblin… better book it before she turns around…

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Sketch: Pink!

  • Posted on 8th August 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Customer at the paint store, who was attempting to talk her boyfriend into painting his car pink.

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Sketch: Vampbot

  • Posted on 27th July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa When the Robot Overlords take over, this is the model which will be responsible for draining human blood to power the machinery.

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Watashi wa manga-ka desu? Ie…

  • Posted on 25th July 2008,
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Pencil, 11×8½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Well, now that i’ve used up my “attempt to speak Japanese” quota for the year… I haven’t attempted to draw in a manga/anime style for a while now. It’s cute, but it’s not really my style (and i think we’ve about reached the point where any American who…

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Sketch: Mermaid Priestess

  • Posted on 23rd July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa True, those who live underwater don’t have much use for anything such as a rain goddess, but that doesn’t eliminate their need for sacrifices to the Kraken.

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Sketch: Zombie

  • Posted on 22nd July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Maybe one of Captain Charlie’s crew? Well, at any rate, he looks hungry, so maybe we ought to back away now…

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Sketch: Curious

  • Posted on 21st July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Quite fascinating. Captain, we appear to have a stowaway. And, Captain? E’s organic.

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Sketch: Trioculus Skull

  • Posted on 19th July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I’ve always loved concept drawings of aliens, but i love even more the drawings of the alien anatomy.

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Sketch: Ghost Boy

  • Posted on 4th July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Unlike most ghosts, Ghost Boy was born this way. No, i don’t mean he was stillborn; he was born undead. His mum’s a vampire and his da’s a werewolf. Normally, such creatures aren’t capable of having children the normal way – and it was a surprise to everyone,…

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Jacqui Roux

  • Posted on 3rd July 2008,
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Introducing Jacqui Roux! I’ve been meaning to come up with a T*C mascot for ages, and with this week’s Illustration Friday theme being “fierce,” i figured it was the perfect time to create my fierce little mascot. For the interested: a few work-in-progress screenshots, and the original concept sketch done a very long time ago….

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“Jaqui” WiP, Part II

  • Posted on 3rd July 2008,
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A rendered image of Jaqui – no background yet – though the background for this image is likely to be pretty plain anyway, thanks to time constraints. I’m hoping to do some other images of her with cooler backgrounds.

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Sketch: Honey

  • Posted on 3rd July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Mostly, i just wanted to draw a cute girl/creature hybrid which wasn’t a catgirl for once. ZOMGBBQ NO CATGIRLZ!?!

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Sketch: Bot-head

  • Posted on 2nd July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A quick sketch of a robot head. And silly me, i forgot to actually put a spine in the neck bit.

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Sketch: Curious

  • Posted on 1st July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I’m going to try working even smaller than usual for a bit… i’ve been meaning to try my hand at ACEOs or ATCs for a while, but haven’t gotten around to it. Maybe sketching in ATC size for a while will get me to actually make a card…

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“Punchline” Thumbnails

  • Posted on 16th June 2008,
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Thumbnails for “Punchline.” I pretty much knew from the start i’d go with my first idea, but i tried a few others anyway. I ditched the second idea because it doesn’t seem to really connect the idea of Punchline and his stand-up alter ego being the same person, and i ditched the third idea because…

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Sketch: Hunting

  • Posted on 16th June 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A vampire on the prowl. Or is the man in the shadows a vampire hunter? Hmm.

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Sketch: Goatherd Troll

  • Posted on 8th June 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa This particular troll does not eat goats. She herds them, sells their wool and milk, and in general protects them from the goat-eating Bridge Trolls.

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Sketch: Ripper

  • Posted on 1st June 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I’ve been meaning to update the T*C logo for a while now. Right now it’s (officially) an asterisk (well, gee, how exciting) and is rarely, if ever, actually used. This is a sort of starter/rough draft of a possible logo. Though, really, it’s far too detailed to be…

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Sketch: Netrunner

  • Posted on 24th May 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Some punk kid, thinks he’s tough ’cause he managed to hack the FBI database. Pf. Everyone knows the real test of skill is getting the Swedish pirate files.

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Sketch: Mask

  • Posted on 21st May 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa A tribal disguise; who knows what he really looks like underneath?

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Sketch: Chatterbox

  • Posted on 18th May 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa The sort of person who loves to talk about… well, about pretty much anything.

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Sketch: Queen

  • Posted on 4th May 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. The leader of the Greys. She disapproves of abductions, but allows them to keep the peasants amused.

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Sketch: Semi-Portrait

  • Posted on 2nd May 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. It started off as a self, portrait, but i started getting creative soon after i started drawing. For example, i totally do not have bifocals.

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Masque of the Red Death

  • Posted on 1st May 2008,
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Inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe story of the same name. I wanted to get creative with the costume, so over the traditional skull mask i pinned the wrinkling, decaying, bloody skin of one of the Red Death’s victims.

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Sketch: Desperate Housewife

  • Posted on 28th April 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. I was going to try to write a poem to go along with this sketch, but i haven’t been able to get very far. (I almost had a haiku, but trimming the story to fit in such tight format cut it to the point where it didn’t make any sense.) My poetry…

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Sketch: Worship

  • Posted on 27th April 2008,
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3½×5½ in. Not a typical religious illustration, but facial expressions like this always make me think the person is focusing on Something Else – something bigger than the rest of the world.

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Sketch: Diva

  • Posted on 26th April 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. I saw this woman at Taco Bell the other day. Some people just look like cartoon characters, without even trying. (I look like a cartoon character too, but i have to work at it…)

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Sketch: Poirot

  • Posted on 23rd April 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. Poirot (or, more likely, Hastings) has misplaced his hat, and is not at all impressed by the situation.

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Sketch: Jeanette

  • Posted on 21st April 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. A quick drawing of my little sister, done at the tea-house where we celebrated her 21st birthday.

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Sketch: Pirate Princess

  • Posted on 19th April 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×5½ in. She was originally meant to be more princess than pirate… i think she ended up the other way around. Must be going through a rebellious teenage phase.

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Sketch: Priest

  • Posted on 9th April 2008,
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Ink and watercolour, 4×6 in. I don’t know which god this particular priest works for… but i highly doubt it’s Yahweh or Allah. Maybe Quetzalcoatl?

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Sketch: Direct Route

  • Posted on 8th April 2008,
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Ink and watercolour, 4×6 in. Why let blood waste all that time fooling around in the veins when it can be redirected straight to the brain? Well, besides the obvious “It’s way easier to cut that big cord than to slit an artery” and “Wow that is some nice jaundice you’ve got going on there.”

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Sketch: Cyborg

  • Posted on 6th April 2008,
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Ink and watercolour, 4×6 in. Just a few random cyborg bits. I didn’t feel like going overboard with a full-blown Terminator-style illustration.

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Sketch: Blue

  • Posted on 20th March 2008,
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Ink/Watercolour, 4″ x 6″ I went on a bit of an elf kick again. This is one of the ones i plan to have up for sale soon.

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Sketch: Thoughtful

  • Posted on 16th March 2008,
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Broke out the coloured pencils today. I’m planning on trying out some watercolour painting soon – this is just a quick self-reminder on traditional colour media.

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Sketch: Elf Portrait

  • Posted on 7th March 2008,
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Inspired by the back of a P!nk CD case. Yes, that’s the sort of thing i keep tacked to my wall, and this is what comes out of it.

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Sketch: Rada

  • Posted on 25th February 2008,
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Significantly better line work today, though still not as good as i’d like. Also i screwed up a bit on colouring the line work.

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Sketch: Angry

  • Posted on 24th February 2008,
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Tried something new today. I’m not too fond of the line work, but that’s just a general issue i have with hard brushes. One more thing to practise on, i guess.

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Sketch: Chrome Portrait II

  • Posted on 19th February 2008,
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Another (skipped) February Art-a-Day Challenge, another android face. It doesn’t look at all realistic, and ironically enough i think that’s because i tried too hard to make it look realistic, and it backfired.

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Sketch: Chrome Portrait

  • Posted on 18th February 2008,
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Taking a day off from the February Art-a-Day Challenge words to give chrome portraiture another shot. I think the face needs to be further simplified and i need to work on the neck-wires a bit but other than that, i like this.

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Sketch: Rain

  • Posted on 5th February 2008,
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Yay emo rain. I screwed up quite a bit on the face and i didn’t work on the actual rain nearly as much as i ought to have… but overall i’m happy with this. [Animation]

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Sketch: Mecha Head

  • Posted on 20th January 2008,
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I probably should have chromed up the whole thing, but i like the delicate way the face came out, without a bunch of shiny metallic all over it.

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Sketch + Not-Quite-News

  • Posted on 3rd August 2007,
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Man i haven’t updated a sketch in forever um, several days. I bought a new Wacom Intuos3… i’m planning on getting an airbrush accessory for it at some point in the near future but i want to wait until my upcoming money issues (moving, returning to college, switching jobs, и Ñ‚.д.) are sorted out. I…

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  • Posted on 18th March 2007,
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Yay, back from Pennsylvania and my semi-non-existent intarweb. I’ll be double-posting for the next week or so ’til everything’s caught up.

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