

  • Posted on 3rd February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Originally meant to be a girl hiding from zombies, but i think she turned into a zombie herself mid-painting. I picked up a copy of World War Z yesterday. I’ve got zombies on the brain. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 16th January 2013,
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Just a generic zombie. She’s still got a bit of fight left in her. By coincidence i ended up drawing this right after reading an article about the animals killed while producing vegetarian food. I’d already planned on sketching up a zombie for general drawing-the-undead practice, but there’s a very different thought pattern in drawing…

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Sketch: Zombie Maid

  • Posted on 16th June 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa Originally done for Drawing Day a few weeks ago – and originally posted on TwitPic as a crappy cellphone shot. Now properly scanned.

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Sketch: Zombie

  • Posted on 7th May 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa He’s kept the rot more or less at bay up ’til now, but it finally took out one of his arms.

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Sketch: Zombie

  • Posted on 22nd July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Maybe one of Captain Charlie’s crew? Well, at any rate, he looks hungry, so maybe we ought to back away now…

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Captain Charles Johnson

  • Posted on 17th July 2008,
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©2008 Sharon Rosa Cap’n Charles Johnson. Very dignified sea-merchant, back before the Pirate-Zombie (or was it Ninja-Zombie?) attack of ’89.

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