

  • Posted on 16th January 2013,
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Just a generic zombie. She’s still got a bit of fight left in her. By coincidence i ended up drawing this right after reading an article about the animals killed while producing vegetarian food. I’d already planned on sketching up a zombie for general drawing-the-undead practice, but there’s a very different thought pattern in drawing…

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  • Posted on 4th January 2013,
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Pencil, 9″x12″ A vampire’s victim emerging from the shadows. Not quite turned to a full vampire herself yet, but she doesn’t like the sun any more. By chance, two days ago i passed up on buying some black paper because i don’t draw light-on-dark often enough to justify it. Haven’t in years. But today i…

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Мира и Цветок

  • Posted on 12th December 2012,
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Мира и Цветок

The title translates to ‘Mira and the Flower’. Unless you use a proper translator, in which case it will likely come out ‘Peace and the Flower’. As ludicrous as it is for some US-born US-living primarily-English-speaking artist to title works in Russian, i got their names from Russian and it strikes me as equally ludicrous…

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  • Posted on 10th December 2012,
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Water spirit, to go along with the Mira the Earth-Spirit and Plamya the Fire-Spirit. I’m not certain how anatomically correct she is, as none of the models in my photo references have a body fat percentage over 25. (Clearly i need to expand my reference library.) And i’m skinny enough to still get clothing from…

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  • Posted on 7th December 2012,
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Practising inking my pencil drawings. Yet another fire-creature, this one a bit more elfin than the others. Original pencil art available for $15 | Digital print available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 11th November 2012,
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yet another nymph drawing. Still going through a bit of a shy phase, but she’ll eventually grow into quite a beauty. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 7th November 2012,
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Brighid is one of the more famous Celtic goddesses. Or, rather, three of the more famous goddesses, as Brighid is a triple goddess. Rumour has it the Catholic saint Brigid is a Christianised version of this goddess. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Decisions – Pencil

  • Posted on 5th November 2012,
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Decisions – Pencil

The challenge of choosing the right path… I’m still trying to decide if she counts as a ‘faerie’ or not. She wasn’t originally meant to be and the pattern behind her is even at its most wing-like a very abstract representation. Pencil, 8.4″x11″. Planning on adding some colour in PS as well but this is…

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  • Posted on 3rd November 2012,
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Tree nymphs are a bit more popular, but why let them have all the fun? Water nymphs enjoy the woods as much as any other. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 29th October 2012,
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In theory this is just a generic dancer figure drawing. But i think she’s up to something… Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 27th October 2012,
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Mossy nymph or moss-covered stone? This particular figure drawing is a bit ambiguous in that area. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Waxing Moon

  • Posted on 25th October 2012,
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Waxing Moon

Originally meant to be a moon-goddess, but i didn’t do much with her beyond a side-lit figure drawing. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 21st October 2012,
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Figure drawing meets climbing vine, with a bit of piercing study thrown in. I’ve seen snakes, cats, and dragons turned into two-part earrings like this – i won’t be much surprised if i see someone’s done it with plants, too. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Striped Snake

  • Posted on 19th October 2012,
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Striped Snake

Anthropomorphic figure drawing based on the little garter snake. Random anecdote: I once volunteered at an animal shelter which had, among other animals, a snake. The information sheet on the snake’s aquarium listed them as a stray. I still have no idea what sort of person finds a ‘stray’ snake and brings it to the…

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Wasp Queen

  • Posted on 17th October 2012,
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Wasp Queen

The leader of the hive and her little friend. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 16th October 2012,
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Sea creatures need love, too. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 15th October 2012,
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Not as much of a firestarter as Flame, but Smoulder still needs to be handled with care. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Sea Elf

  • Posted on 13th October 2012,
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Sea Elf

I suppose she could qualify as a mermaid, but standard mermaids are so rarely drawn with anything interesting about the ears. The defining feature is the not-shown-here tail. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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