Pencil, 11×8 in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa
This serious catgirl has slitted, red eyes. She has medium-length, fine, curly, black hair worn in a wild style. Her skin is white, with black fur on her ears and tail. She has a very feminine build. Her ears are floppy and close-set. Her fashion preferences are best described as “it was clean so I put it on.” Hugging people almost at random is one of her endearing habits.
From the Seventh Sanctum Catgirl Generator
For a bit of extra back-story: She’s an orphan-turned-social worker. Responsible for caring for her siblings as a child (yep, the whole litter), she now works at a shelter as the main caretaker for all the inner city’s orphaned catgirls and catboys. Such a history has made her very serious, but at the same time very friendly. And when someone comes to the shelter to adopt one of “her” kittens… well, she just can’t help herself.