
Wind Dancer

  • Posted on 29th August 2012,
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Wind Dancer

There had always been loose clothes to flow around her body and jangling bracelets to ring on her arms, but with the magic bottle, she could finally dance with air itself. Prints also available through Imagekind

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Maid in the Moon (NSFW)

  • Posted on 28th August 2012,
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Maid in the Moon (NSFW)

Probably should have made her older, considering this is clearly a waning moon. Suppose we can just pretend she’s from the Southern hemisphere… Prints available through Imagekind

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Autumn Nymph

  • Posted on 27th August 2012,
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Autumn Nymph

Most of the leaves have fallen, but she’s found a new friend for the winter. Prints available through Imagekind. Might sell the original pencil drawing someday, too.

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