
Colour? What sorcery is this?

  • Posted on 4th September 2013,
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I love using colour in my artwork. Hell, there were a few times in art school when I got in a bit of trouble for doing fauvist art when we weren’t supposed to. (I like fauvism. No regrets. It was better than getting in trouble for having a snowball fight in the dorms… I think….

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Writing on the Walls: Dust of Snow

  • Posted on 22nd December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers The way a crow Shook down on me The dust of snow From a hemlock tree Has given my heart A change of mood And saved some part Of a day I had rued. – Robert Frost A snow-poem and colour scheme, just in time for Solstice. Random mythology time! (Because that’s…

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Writing on the Walls: Exploration of Space

  • Posted on 21st December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.’ – Edwin Hubble Room for a teenage nerd. Am still working on figuring out how to get GSU models into DAZ. I can get everything except for the actual text, which is the whole bloody point…

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Writing on the Walls: Perfect Meals

  • Posted on 18th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘Meals make the society, hold the fabric together in lots of ways that were charming and interesting and intoxicating to me. The perfect meal, or the best meals, occur in a context that frequently has very little to do with the food itself.’ – Anthony Bourdain Kitchen design. Complete with counter. So…

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Writing on the Walls: Power of Education

  • Posted on 17th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘We must reach out our hand in friendship both to those who would befriend us and those who would be our enemy. We must believe in the power of education.’ – Arthur Ashe Didn’t even fit the whole quote in the rendering this time.

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Writing on the Walls: Advanced Magic

  • Posted on 16th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke Tried for a moonlit lighting system this time around. Geeks don’t go to bed at normal hours anyway.

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Writing on the Walls: Workshop

  • Posted on 15th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘Life is each human being’s workshop. If a man survives a lifetime with his creative capacities intact, he has done his part to make a better world for all men.’ – Paul Rosenfels

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Writing on the Walls: Not About Suffering

  • Posted on 14th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘The “life sucks and then you die” philosophy was useful when Buddha came up with it around 500 B.C. because, back then, life sucked and then you died. But now we have medicine, and Pinkberry, and Tivo…Our life isn’t all about suffering any more.’ – Bill Maher …i don’t actually like this…

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Writing on the Walls: Space Forever

  • Posted on 14th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘I could have gone on flying through space forever.’ – Yuri Gagarin Final version of this will have stars outside the window. ALSO y’all have no idea how proud i am of the crappy doorknob i’ve got in there now. Most complicated thing i’ve managed in GSU so far.

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Writing on the Walls: Pin-Up Girl

  • Posted on 11th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘I like being a pin-up girl. There’s nothing wrong with it.’ – Jayne Mansfield Another thing i need to do once i get this room done: put an actual sky outside the window.

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Writing on the Walls: Open Hearts

  • Posted on 11th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.’ – Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire When i get this room totally done, i’m going to need to figure out how to open the door…

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Writing on the Walls: Facing Change

  • Posted on 8th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.’ – James Baldwin (Empty) office design. For someone busy changing the world.

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Writing on the Walls: Book Gossip

  • Posted on 7th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘Books that are only compelling storyline are, in many respects, just another form of gossip.’ – Stephen Harrod Buhner, The Lost Language of Plants Last one for the day. Theoretically this is a home library design, but i still haven’t got ‘decent bare rooms’ quite down yet, much less ‘room full of…

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Writing on the Walls: One Rule

  • Posted on 7th December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers ‘Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’ – Kurt Vonnegut I…

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Writing on the Walls: Thank You

  • Posted on 4th December 2011,
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I think it took me longer to get the lighting right in this one than it did to make the actual colour scheme. Color by COLOURlovers ‘If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.’ – Meister Eckhart

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Writing on the Walls: Storyteller

  • Posted on 2nd December 2011,
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Color by COLOURlovers Doing a bit of experimentation with interior design colours and quotes. More coming up once i properly get the hang of Google Sketchup or some other decor program. ‘You must remember a writer is a simple-minded person to begin with and go on that basis. He’s not a great mind, he’s not…

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