
Caricature: Paul Ryan

  • Posted on 3rd June 2013,
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Caricature: Paul Ryan

Quite possibly my first caricature which a) actually looks like the person it’s supposed to be and b) doesn’t look too much like the person it’s supposed to be. I paused the news show he was on in the middle of him making a vaguely muppet-like face. Then again, i also paused him in the…

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Caricatures & Site Redesigns

  • Posted on 2nd June 2013,
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Caricatures & Site Redesigns

I’ve been trying to teach myself how to draw caricatures, which for the most part means repeated pausing during various TV shows to try to draw out the characters. Currently at the clunky phase where the caricatures are not quite recognisable as who they’re supposed to be. (I guess Cragen might be recognisable? But his…

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