I’ve been trying to teach myself how to draw caricatures, which for the most part means repeated pausing during various TV shows to try to draw out the characters. Currently at the clunky phase where the caricatures are not quite recognisable as who they’re supposed to be.

Caricatures: Captain Cragen & Attorney Mayer | © 2013 Keelan Rosa | Pencil

Caricatures: Captain Cragen & Attorney Mayer | © 2013 Keelan Rosa | Pencil

(I guess Cragen might be recognisable? But his picture doesn’t look like a caricature so much as a vastly oversimplified portrait.)

I also (finally) got around to getting a proper ‘portfolio theme’ for my site, because the system i’ve been using (create blog post » update portfolio page manually » flail about trying to rework the portfolio page every month or two) was getting annoying. Of course now i need to get all those old blog posts into the new portfolio system… which is also annoying, albeit more temporarily so. I’m going to try to keep krosa.me links pointing the same place but the blog permalinks may be more tricky to change over. (I used to have a plugin for permalink redirects, which i never actually used, and thus deleted, and now cannot remember the name of. Ah well.)

This will have the side effect of the blog not being updated as often or with as many finished illustrations. The actual portfolio has its own RSS feed, which will be more readily available once i’m no longer flooding it with old work, and the emailed part of the blog was only ever posts from the News category anyway, so this shouldn’t really affect anyone except new visitors who like clicking ‘blog’ links. (Hello!) …And maybe forcing me to write Actual Bloggy Things more than once a year.

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