I love using colour in my artwork. Hell, there were a few times in art school when I got in a bit of trouble for doing fauvist art when we weren’t supposed to. (I like fauvism. No regrets. It was better than getting in trouble for having a snowball fight in the dorms… I think….
Traditional Art
Finished traditional pieces
IF: Rejection
Didn’t quite finish… ah well. Anyway. We can all safely guess who will be picked last, yes?
IF: Cars
Pencil and conte and steampunk Hummers, yay! Technically this is… um… not very good. At all. But i really love the design and so i am posting it anyway. It took me three freakin’ hours to design that engine and it would almost certainly never in a million years work. I know just enough about…
IF: Neighbour
Two thoughts kept coming to mind this week:– The guy who asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbour?” right before J started in on his Good Samaritan parable– The quote from Jesus which goes something like, “Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.”Prints available. …and yes. My scanner lives again. Sketches…
IF: Communication
Well, i didn’t finish the piece i was planning on doing for IF this week, but as a side project i made and decorated this cover for my pocket-sized reporter-style notebook. I suppose it counts as a textual illustration of sorts, and it definitely covers the topic of “communication,” seeing as without letters the entire…