

  • Posted on 14th January 2013,
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Mira the earth-spirit, rather unhappy at the wilting of one of her little plants. This could probably count as a speedpainting, depending on how broadly one defines ‘speedpainting’. I’ve never really tried it before but i got this painting to the point where the pencil art was unnecessary in under three hours, so if it’s…

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  • Posted on 10th January 2013,
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On the plus side, now this lost little fae knows he’s not the only one to have taken a wrong turn. He doesn’t seem pleased about the revelation, though. I tried a new method of laying in the colour this time. I like how it looks, but no more than my other pieces, so it…

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  • Posted on 8th January 2013,
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Started off as something entirely different, but the way i drew her hips made me think of someone partially submerged in water. Considering my current fire-spirit fascination, there was a quick turn toward a fire-spirit fleeing a water-demon. Original pencil art available for $15 | Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 6th January 2013,
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When i was very young (and very shy), i kept my hair long and would frequently let it fall over my face so i could hide behind it. Unfortunately, fire-spirits can’t use the same trick. They are destined to always shine brightly, no matter how shy they may be. Original pencil art available for $15…

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