

  • Posted on 10th January 2013,
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On the plus side, now this lost little fae knows he’s not the only one to have taken a wrong turn. He doesn’t seem pleased about the revelation, though. I tried a new method of laying in the colour this time. I like how it looks, but no more than my other pieces, so it…

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Sketch: Split Skull

  • Posted on 9th August 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa Anatomical concept of a skull split halfway down to result in a two-mouthed person.

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Sketch: Trioculus Skull

  • Posted on 19th July 2008,
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Pencil, 3½×2½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I’ve always loved concept drawings of aliens, but i love even more the drawings of the alien anatomy.

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