

  • Posted on 2nd February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. One of the goddess/saint Brigid for Imbolc. I’m very fond of Imbolc. It tends to come right when i’m ready for winter to be over, and it’s nice to have a little holiday to brighten things up a bit, especially one which primarily focuses on the very first signs of spring. Reproductions…

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  • Posted on 8th October 2012,
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Drawing a series of human + nature images… something vaguely were-wolfish had to happen eventually. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Flame II

  • Posted on 7th October 2012,
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Flame II

The male version of the original ‘Flame’. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 6th October 2012,
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Taking fire-dancing to a whole new level. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Prints available starting at $13.29

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  • Posted on 5th October 2012,
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It is irritatingly difficult to make someone appear to be the living embodiment of rain and not just someone caught in a storm, and I’m still not sure I succeeded in this one. I suppose she could be a nature-lover dancing in the rain for celebratory purposes. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 4th October 2012,
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Generic nymph, just starting to put down her roots. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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Summer Nymph

  • Posted on 3rd October 2012,
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Summer Nymph

A sequel (prequel?) to Autumn Nymph. Summer has a reputation for being a bit of a gossip, but she keeps more secrets than she tells. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 9th September 2012,
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Pagans can totally be cyborgs, too. It took about ten minutes of working on this image before it turned into an experiment to see how many Awen or Awen-like symbols I could squeeze in and still have it look good. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 |…

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Wind Dancer

  • Posted on 29th August 2012,
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Wind Dancer

There had always been loose clothes to flow around her body and jangling bracelets to ring on her arms, but with the magic bottle, she could finally dance with air itself. Prints also available through Imagekind

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Maid in the Moon (NSFW)

  • Posted on 28th August 2012,
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Maid in the Moon (NSFW)

Probably should have made her older, considering this is clearly a waning moon. Suppose we can just pretend she’s from the Southern hemisphere… Prints available through Imagekind

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