

  • Posted on 7th December 2012,
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Practising inking my pencil drawings. Yet another fire-creature, this one a bit more elfin than the others. Original pencil art available for $15 | Digital print available starting at $10.44

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Flame II

  • Posted on 7th October 2012,
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Flame II

The male version of the original ‘Flame’. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Original pencil art available for $15

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  • Posted on 6th October 2012,
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Taking fire-dancing to a whole new level. Pencil, 8.4″x11″ Prints available starting at $13.29

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Soul Seller

  • Posted on 17th September 2012,
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Soul Seller

The rebellious goth kids of the future won’t need to settle for snakebite piercings and heavy metal t-shirts. This one’s gone for the devil look, with glowing red eyes and fiery tattoo implants. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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