

  • Posted on 18th September 2012,
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Started off as another attempt at coming up with an illustration for the ‘Burst’ theme but… maybe not so bursty. (There’s a ‘Daria’ joke in there somewhere…) Just a bit of fancy club wear. Make the eyes really stand out. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 |…

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The Complex Vision

  • Posted on 12th March 2009,
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©2009 Sharon Rosa For the Illustration Friday theme, Intricate, and the book The Complex Vision – some intricate eyes. Technically, The Complex Vision is a philosophy book. I think it ended up looking more fantasy. Well… i guess an argument could be made for philosophy and fantasy being the same thing…

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Sketch: Eye Study

  • Posted on 28th February 2009,
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A quick sketch of some eyes. Nothing special to see here. I guess i could make up something relating these to the eyebots i designed a while back, but they’re still in the head, so except for some rambling about pre-mechanoid eyebots, i’ve got nothing.

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