
Sketch: Dragon Lady

  • Posted on 5th July 2010,
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This one actually started out as an angel. Fun thing about random sketches is they don’t have to end up as they started. At all.

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Sketch: Watch for Dragons

  • Posted on 25th August 2008,
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Pencil, 5½×3½ in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa The dragons in this particular city of are the friendly variety, but they occasionally play games and tricks with people. Best to keep an eye out for them.

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Sketch: Rowian Princess

  • Posted on 26th June 2008,
  • written by

Pencil, 8×11 in. » ©2008 Sharon Rosa I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my head for a bit, about a nomadic desert tribe which is world-renowned for its ability to tame and train dragons. It’s one of those ideas which i’ll likely never actually do anything with but which is fun to dust off…

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