
‘Sprouts’ Mugs

  • Posted on 13th April 2013,
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‘Sprouts’ Mugs

Spring Sprouts Customisable Mug Spring Sprouts Mug The mugs i meant to design when i made the Sprouts design border. Both with plants all over and with room to put your name and favourite beverage. …I was maybe a bit impatient for this year’s winter to end.

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  • Posted on 28th February 2013,
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Digital speed painting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. A bit of a troublemaking imp this time. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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Spektas Du

  • Posted on 26th February 2013,
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Spektas Du

Digital speed painting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 19th February 2013,
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Digital speed painting, 12 minutes. yet another simple portrait. This is the first time i bothered setting up video for a twelve-minute painting. Mainly because i knew when i started i’d not be taking the time for a half-hour painting today. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 18th February 2013,
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Digital speed painting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. And look, i actually painted a man. For once. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 17th February 2013,
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Digital speed painting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 16th February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 12 minutes. yet another simple portrait. No video for this one, mostly because i’ve only done videos of half-hour ones. I can’t remember if i didn’t have time to do a half-hour on this day or if the half-hour one was just really atrocious. (I am maybe a few days behind on uploads.) Reproductions…

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  • Posted on 14th February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 13th February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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‘Pensa Du’ Speedpainting

  • Posted on 11th February 2013,
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‘Pensa Du’ Speedpainting

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Back to two layers but trying to keep up the stuff which is handy in one layer. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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‘Unu’ Speedpainting

  • Posted on 10th February 2013,
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‘Unu’ Speedpainting

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Did this one all on one layer (usually i use two). It was a bit of an accident but for speedpainting i think it may actually work better – mainly because not being able to erase properly or lock the transparency of the working layer forced me to actually keep my mask…

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‘Mola’ Speedpainting

  • Posted on 9th February 2013,
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‘Mola’ Speedpainting

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. yet another simple portrait. Experimenting using softer brushes than usual. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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Fantomo Speedpainting

  • Posted on 7th February 2013,
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Fantomo Speedpainting

Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Generic ghost-woman. I actually finished this yesterday but didn’t quite have time to upload it. So today may be a twofer day as far as speedpainting uploads goes. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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  • Posted on 3rd February 2013,
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Speedpainting, 30 minutes. Originally meant to be a girl hiding from zombies, but i think she turned into a zombie herself mid-painting. I picked up a copy of World War Z yesterday. I’ve got zombies on the brain. Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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Speedpainting – Focus

  • Posted on 22nd January 2013,
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Speedpainting – Focus

Another speedpainting, 30 minutes this time. I’m in the process of a bigger painting right now, but i wanted to actually finish something. In the wide world of bizarre coincidences: I painted this yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon i started thinking it would be a great idea to get back into ‘finishing’ an quick study every…

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  • Posted on 14th January 2013,
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Mira the earth-spirit, rather unhappy at the wilting of one of her little plants. This could probably count as a speedpainting, depending on how broadly one defines ‘speedpainting’. I’ve never really tried it before but i got this painting to the point where the pencil art was unnecessary in under three hours, so if it’s…

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  • Posted on 10th January 2013,
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On the plus side, now this lost little fae knows he’s not the only one to have taken a wrong turn. He doesn’t seem pleased about the revelation, though. I tried a new method of laying in the colour this time. I like how it looks, but no more than my other pieces, so it…

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  • Posted on 8th January 2013,
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Started off as something entirely different, but the way i drew her hips made me think of someone partially submerged in water. Considering my current fire-spirit fascination, there was a quick turn toward a fire-spirit fleeing a water-demon. Original pencil art available for $15 | Reproductions of digital art available starting at $10.44

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Cyborg Fashion II

  • Posted on 29th September 2012,
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Cyborg Fashion II

Just another cyborg fashion model. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 24th September 2012,
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Neural hotlinks and biological implants. Everything nicely wired up for the ultimate in portable computing. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 22nd September 2012,
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Taking a few days ‘off’, which translates to ‘draw a generic freckle-faced woman and then fool around with Photoshop brushes to make her sparkly instead of actually doing a proper full-blown painting’. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Original pencil art available for $15.00

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  • Posted on 18th September 2012,
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Started off as another attempt at coming up with an illustration for the ‘Burst’ theme but… maybe not so bursty. (There’s a ‘Daria’ joke in there somewhere…) Just a bit of fancy club wear. Make the eyes really stand out. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 |…

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  • Posted on 16th September 2012,
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Similar, but different, ‘Projector‘-style implant. I wanted to see if I could work an Illustration Friday image into this series, this week being ‘Burst’. The best I’ve come up with so far was a fireworks projection implant, which didn’t come out too well in my sketches. So, bubbles. Suppose I could have a bubble or…

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Cyborg Fashion

  • Posted on 10th September 2012,
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Cyborg Fashion

A cyborg fashion model. Vertical stripes are very in this season. Mostly pencil with some colour washes done in Photoshop Prints available starting at $13.29 | Original pencil art available for $15.00

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