
“Sourpuss” WiP, Part III

  • Posted on 9th July 2008,
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Last WiP for this week – i’ve pretty much finished the illustration, just need to finish formatting the file for web display now. Rendered image of Sourpuss. Did the rendering a bit too quickly, i think, so the shadows aren’t as good as i’d like – but i really love how the lighting came out.

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“Jaqui” WiP, Part II

  • Posted on 3rd July 2008,
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A rendered image of Jaqui – no background yet – though the background for this image is likely to be pretty plain anyway, thanks to time constraints. I’m hoping to do some other images of her with cooler backgrounds.

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“Diamondback” WiP Part I

  • Posted on 23rd June 2008,
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Inspired by the Illustration Friday theme, hoard – originally i was going to do something cutesy, like a little kid hoarding video games, but then i decided to give Punchline an enemy or two. Starting with Diamondback, the diamond-hoarding jewel thief…

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“Punchline” WiP

  • Posted on 18th June 2008,
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I’m still figuring out the kinks in blogging a WiP. Today i figured i’d put everything in one long post, rather than three or four short ones…

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Punchline Pencils

  • Posted on 16th June 2008,
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Pencil drawing of Punchline. Right now i’m thinking i probably won’t include the flames around Punchline’s fist which were in the thumbnail comp – it brings enough attention to itself without the whole “on fire” bit.

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IF: Cars

  • Posted on 31st May 2007,
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Pencil and conte and steampunk Hummers, yay! Technically this is… um… not very good. At all. But i really love the design and so i am posting it anyway. It took me three freakin’ hours to design that engine and it would almost certainly never in a million years work. I know just enough about…

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IF: Neighbour

  • Posted on 10th May 2007,
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Two thoughts kept coming to mind this week:– The guy who asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbour?” right before J started in on his Good Samaritan parable– The quote from Jesus which goes something like, “Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me.”Prints available. …and yes. My scanner lives again. Sketches…

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IF: Communication

  • Posted on 2nd March 2007,
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Well, i didn’t finish the piece i was planning on doing for IF this week, but as a side project i made and decorated this cover for my pocket-sized reporter-style notebook. I suppose it counts as a textual illustration of sorts, and it definitely covers the topic of “communication,” seeing as without letters the entire…

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