Traditional half of mixed-media illustrations now available to art lovers

Contact: Keelan Rosa
Email: | Twitter: @KeelanRosa | Phone: 646-360-03-35

September 18, 2012 – For over ten years, Keelan Rosa’s preferred method for creating art has been to start off traditionally, then move to the computer for experiments not easily performed in traditional media. As such, zir artworks have long been available only as prints of the digital work.

Until now.

Starting with zir current series, ‘[Soft/Hard]Ware’, Keelan is offering the original pencil works for sale as well.

The ‘[Soft/Hard]Ware’ series isn’t mixed-media purely because of Keelan’s preference for traditional/digital combinations. As a series of cyborg portraits, the link between ‘traditional’ and ‘technological’ is already strong, making this the perfect time to begin releasing traditional art for sale alongside the digital prints.

Keelan’s drawings can be bought at for $15 each with free shipping within the United States. The finished illustrations based on these drawings can be found at


High-resolution images are available through For more information, please contact Keelan S. Rosa at or 646-360-0335.