
About & Contact

Memportreto | © 2013 Keelan Rosa | Photoshop | $10.44

Memportreto – Self-Portrait of Keelan Rosa

Keelan Rosa

Digital artist, freelance illustrator, and creative geek.

Keelan Rosa first became interested in art when he was two years old and has been fascinated by art, illustration, and design ever since (the unhealthy obsession with all things sci-fi came a bit later). He’s especially fond of figure art, and the challenge which goes along with trying to show a complex personality in a simple image.

Keelan was trained in traditional media but prefers working with a combination of traditional and digital media. He’s also worked in a variety of subjects and styles, but is currently focused on finding the union between humans and other aspects of nature.

Artistic Education

Started with pencil-scribbles at the kitchen table alongside Grammy’s pen-and-ink drawings, then studied at Sue Hand’s Imagery throughout most of his school years. Keelan also spent all of two years as an art major at Syracuse University and Sage College before dropping out of art school to study business (aka, How to Not Be a Starving Artist). He still attempts to learn new art techniques on a regular basis, but this now comes primarily in the form of ImagineFX magazines instead of studio classes.


Imagekind – Shop selling prints of Keelan’s work.
Robots! – “Watering the Garden” was included among Imagekind’s blog post featuring Some of the Coolest Robot Art on Imagekind.
Twitter – General ramblings on art and computers, with occasional bilingual ranting when one or the other is not working the way it should.


Quick stuff: Tweet @KeelanRosa
Longer stuff: Email keelan@keelanrosa.com
Phone: 646-360-03-35